A. C. Cuza Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of A. C. Cuza's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Romanian Politician A. C. Cuza's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 9 quotes on this page collected since November 8, 1857! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • The science of anti-Semitism finally comes to explain this phenomenon, enlightening further the consciousness of people, fully satisfying their instinct and its violent eruptions thus legitimized by revealing their cause - the parasitism of the Jews. Thus it gives us the formula of the scientific solution for the problem of Judaism, which in order to realize we have only to apply.

    "Ştiinţa antisemitismului ("The Science of Anti-Semitism")". "Apararea Nationala" ("The National Defense") No. 16, Nov. 15, 1922.
  • The duty of universities is toward their nation, for which they must prepare leaders in all fields and these must be necessarily ethnically native. For it is intolerable that a nation educate for itself alien leaders in its universities.

    "Ştiinţa antisemitismului ("The Science of Anti-Semitism")". "Apararea Nationala" ("The National Defense") No. 16, Nov. 15, 1922.
  • I am an instigator of the national energies.

    "For My Legionaries" by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, York, SC: Liberty Bell Publications, 2003.
  • As for the Jews, their explanation of anti-Semitism is more characteristic yet. In addition to the usual cliche, "with hatred and savagery" - naturally with no motive, they do not care to discuss motives - according to them, anti-Semitism is a madness, an intellectual degeneration, an affliction of the spirit.

    "Ştiinţa antisemitismului ("The Science of Anti-Semitism")". "Apararea Nationala" ("The National Defense") No. 16, Nov. 15, 1922.
  • Indo-European peoples and Semitic peoples are today still completely different... Jews almost everywhere form a special society... Muslims (the Semitic spirit is today represented mainly by Islam) and the Europeans stand face to face like two beings of different species, having nothing common in the way of thinking and feeling...

    Thinking   Two   Feelings  
    "Naţionalitatea în artă" ("Nationality in Art") by A. C. Cuza, Bucureşti: Cartea Romaneasca, 1905.
  • And the venality of those Judaized is incapable of explaining anti-Semitism as a social phenomenon, we will call it the anti-Semitic theory.

    "Ştiinţa antisemitismului ("The Science of Anti-Semitism")". "Apararea Nationala" ("The National Defense") No. 16, Nov. 15, 1922.
  • The science of anti-Semitism has as its object Judaism as a social problem, being thus, necessarily, the synthesis of all sciences that can contribute to its solution.

    "Ştiinţa antisemitismului ("The Science of Anti-Semitism")". "Apararea Nationala" ("The National Defense") No. 16, Nov. 15, 1922.
  • A nation is all the individuals of same blood, forming by their cohesion a natural related collective being with it s own organs and state which are social classes and the State and the same soul, which is nationality.

    "Naţionalitatea în artă" ("Nationality in Art") by A. C. Cuza, Bucureşti: Cartea Romaneasca, 1905.
  • Nationality is the creative power of human culture, culture is the creative power of nationality.

    "Naţionalitatea în artă ("Nationality in Art")". Naţionalitatea în artă ("Nationality in Art") by A. C. Cuza, Bucureşti: Cartea Romaneasca, 1905.
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