A. C. Dixon Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of A. C. Dixon's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from A. C. Dixon's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 14 quotes on this page collected since 1854! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • When we depend upon organizations, we get what organizations can do. But when we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do.

  • When we think of God, we are apt to think of Him in human form. In the Epiphanies of the Old Testament God revealed Himself to Joshua and others in human form. He puts Himself within the compass of our highest conception, in order that He may make Himself real to us in His love and sympathy and power.

  • We need a quickening of faith; faith in the power of the God of Pentecost to convict and convert three thousand in a day. Faith, not in a process of culture by which we hope to train children into a state of salvation, but faith in the mighty God who can quicken a dead soul into life in a moment; faith in moral and spiritual revolution rather than evolution.

  • We have accounts of the deification of men in pagan mythology. But I do not remember any account of a god becoming a man, to help man. Whoever heard of Jupiter or Mars or Minerva coming down and attempting to bear the burdens of men? The gods were willing enough to receive the gifts of men, but Christianity is unique in the fact that our God became a man with human infirmity and emptied Himself of the glory of heaven, in order that He might take upon Himself the sins, diseases and weakness of our humanity.

  • He who obeys the command 'Rejoice in the Lord' has a Hallelujah in his soul every minute of the day and night.

    A.C. Dixon (2016). “Through Night to Morning”, p.127, Solid Christian Books
  • Men have presented their plans and philosophies for the remedying of earth's ills, but Jesus stands alone in presenting not a system, but His own personality as capable of supplying the needs of the soul.

  • When we rely upon organization, we get what organization can do; when we rely upon education, we get what education can do; when we rely upon eloquence, we get what eloquence can do. And so on. But when we rely upon prayer, we get what God can do.

  • There is no kind of experience in which a Christian has a right to refuse to praise God, for 'all things work together for good to them that love God.'

    A.C. Dixon (2016). “Through Night to Morning”, p.127, Solid Christian Books
  • What we need now for quickening is not so much money and wisdom as the spirit of supplication. Pray for yourself until the new life is infused. When that new life comes, it will lead you to pray for others.

    Prayer   New Life   Needs  
  • Through the death of Christ on the cross making atonement for sin, we get a perfect standing before God. That is justification, and it puts us, in God's sight, back in Eden before sin entered. God looks upon us and treats us as if we had never sinned.

  • Prayer is the key to success. Not to pray is to fail. To pray aright is never to fail.

    A.C. Dixon (2016). “Through Night to Morning”, p.70, Solid Christian Books
  • Give us a genuine Christianity that may provoke persecution, but will not provoke contempt.

  • When we have accepted Jesus Christ, we have become akin to the Father; having become real children of God, we then have the spirit of sonship by which we can come into His presence and make known our wants in a familiar way.

  • In Jesus Christ on the Cross, there is refuge; there is safety; there is shelter; and all the power of sin upon our track cannot reach us when we have taken shelter under the Cross that atones for our sins.

    a.c.dixon (1962). “the glories of the cross”
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