Aesop Quotes
Harm seek, harm find.
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Every man carries two bags about him, one in front and one behind, and both are full of faults. The bag in front contains his neighbors' faults, the one behind his own. Hence it is that men do not see their own faults, but never fail to see those of others.
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Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own.
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A farmer who had a quarrelsome family called his sons and told them to lay a bunch of sticks before him. Then, after laying the sticks parallel to one another and binding them, he challenged his sons, one after one, to pick up the bundle and break it. They all tried, but in vain. Then, untying the bundle, he gave them the sticks to break one by one. This they did with the greatest ease. Then said the father, "Thus, my sons, as long as you remain united, you are a match for anything, but differ and separate, and you are undone".
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A wild boar was sharpening his tusks upon the trunk of a tree in the forest when a fox came by and asked, Why are you doing that, pray? The huntsmen are not out today and there are no other dangers at hand that I can see. True, my friend, replied the Boar, but the instant my life is in danger, I shall need to use my tusks. There will be no time to sharpen them then.
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Every man for himself.
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Vices are their own punishment
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No argument, no matter how convincing, will give courage to a coward
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The smaller the mind the greater the conceit.
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Look and see which way the wind blows before you commit yourself.
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Little liberties are great offenses.
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Better one safe way than a hundred on which you cannot reckon.
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We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction.
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If you don't want to lose, you should wait for the right opportunity
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The little reed, bending to the force of the wind, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over.
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We like other people to show themselves to us as they really are.
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Better poverty without care, than riches with.
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Fools take to themselves the respect that is given to their office.
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You will only injure yourself if you take notice of despicable enemies.
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It is foolish to try to imitate the skills of others.
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Zeal should not outrun discretion.
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False friends leave you in times of trouble.
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United we stand, divided we fall.
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The loiterer often imputes delay to his more active friend.
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We can easily represent things as we wish them to be.
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Facts speak plainer than words
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Every man should be content to mind his own business.
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Yield to all and you will soon have nothing to yield.
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Only cowards insult dying majesty.
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If you are wise you won't be deceived by the innocent airs of those whom you have once found to be dangerous.