Alan Cohen Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Alan Cohen's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Alan Cohen's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 260 quotes on this page collected since October 5, 1954! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Less rules, more intuition.

  • 'Confusion is the last stop on the way to clarity,' he told me. 'The part of your mind that thinks it knows it all is butting up against a bigger idea. It's only a matter of time until the smaller thought gives way to the greater. Don't fight it. Just try to enjoy the ride.'

    Alan H. Cohen (2011). “How Good Can It Get?: What I Learned from the Richest Man in the World”, p.19, Hampton Roads Publishing
  • Ask for peace first, and you will clearly see your next step.

  • Give people permission to be who they are and they will love, thank, and respect you forever.

  • Kindness to self will put you in the perfect attitude and position to be kind to others.

  • The same source that gave you the idea, will give you the means to see it through.

  • A life without change is not a life; it is a stagnant pool.

    Alan Cohen (2000). “Dare to Be Yourself”
  • When you protect yourself from pain, be sure you do not protect yourself from love.

  • Scared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every negative experience holds the seed of transformation.

  • Abundance is not a number or acquisition. It is the simple recognition of enoughness.

  • You won't be happy anywhere until you're happy somewhere.

  • Simply be who you are, do what you do best, be where you are called by joy, and let life work its magic on your behalf.

    Alan Cohen (2006). “Relax Into Wealth: How to Get More by Doing Less”, p.144, Penguin
  • You weren't born guilty. You were born bold and playful. Then you forgot who you are and what you deserve. When you remember who you were before you learned to apologize for asking, you'll have everything you want.

    Alan H. Cohen (2011). “How Good Can It Get?: What I Learned from the Richest Man in the World”, p.39, Hampton Roads Publishing
  • As soon as you become aware that something is not working, immediately shift your focus to the desired result.

    Alan Cohen (2007). “Why Your Life Sucks: And What You Can Do About It”, p.73, Bantam
  • Money is your friend. Your body is your friend. Life is your friend.

  • People who do not need to please are irresistible because they radiate wholeness, a rare delicacy in a world of hungry hearts.

  • Anything you believe you have to do or become before you can be free is a denial and distraction from the truth that you are already free.

  • If you have to have it, it's ego. If you have to not have it, it's ego. Hold life lightly and it will deliver what you need and release what you don't.

  • You will find truth more quickly through delight than gravity. Let out a little more string on your kite.

  • There are two kinds of people in the world: those who make excuses and those who get results. An excuse person will find any excuse for why a job was not done, and a results person will find any reason why it can be done. Be a creator, not a reactor.

  • True progress comes not through action, but through awakening.

  • In the end, we shall recognize our song and sing it well. You may feel a little warbly at the moment, but so have all the great singers. Just keep singing and you’ll find your way home.

  • Be clear on where you are and where you want to go and you will get there. It can be the best year of your life.

  • We attain freedom as we let go of whatever does not reflect our magnificence.

  • When we make the choice to care, we set into motion a snowball effect that touches many people, most of whom we will never know about . . . never underestimate the importance of a kind act.

  • Turmoil is a call for awakening. Every challenge, great or small, is moving you to look deeper and draw forth the highest in you. You're never given a challenge beyond your ability to meet and master. You'll rise above every circumstance because you're greater than any circumstance.

  • If you are not living with a whole heart now, the end of the world poses no threat; your life is already gone. Life is only as valuable as our presence to enjoy it. To miss the beauty of the moment because you are preparing to protect yourself from the next one, is to trade a precious gem for a cheap trinket.

  • The people who are successful are those who are grateful for everything they have.

    Alan Cohen (1987). “Companions of the Heart: A Treasury of Inspiration and Encouragement”, Dolphin Communications Company
  • You cannot instill joy. You can only find where it lives and bring it forth.

    Alan Cohen (2010). “A Daily Dose of Sanity: A Five-Minute Soul Recharge for Every Day of the Year”, Hay House, Inc
  • I've been a musician since I was nine. I think a ghost or goblin visited me in the night. Maybe aliens abducted me, or a divine figure sent me a spiritual memo. Who knows.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 260 quotes from the Alan Cohen, starting from October 5, 1954! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!