Alan Rickman Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Alan Rickman's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actor Alan Rickman's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 110 quotes on this page collected since February 21, 1946! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • When I get off the plane in England I always feel about two inches shorter.

  • I don't think it's right that everybody knows everything about me.

  • England in the '60s and the '70s was everything that history has said; it was phenomenally exciting, musically.

    "Alan Rickman & Rupert Grint On ‘CBGB,’ Reuniting Post-‘Potter’ And Favorite Halloween Costumes". Interview with Matthew Jacobs, October 12, 2013.
  • Film has to be reflecting the world that we live in, and that's all you want to be a part of. Actors inhabit the same planet as everyone else. It's a weird thing that happens when you're an actor because people hold you up because you somehow embody in parts groups of people or people's hopes or something.

  • I think every English actor is nervous of a Newcastle accent.

    "Alan Rickman & Rupert Grint On ‘CBGB,’ Reuniting Post-‘Potter’ And Favorite Halloween Costumes". Interview with Matthew Jacobs, October 12, 2013.
  • It's a nightmare to sit and watch a film that I'm in. There's a horrible inescapability to it.

  • I've learned, having been on a lot of sets, the good news is that by definition you are surrounded by experts. They get fired if they're not - unlike in the theatre!

    "Alan Rickman: The Empire Interview". Interview with Nev Pierce, January 14, 2016.
  • Certainly as actors, and maybe as directors, you've got to hang on to something childlike. You've got to know what play is. I haven't worked with Mike Leigh, but I know him very well and there's something open in his eyes about what's in front of him. And the same is true of Alfonso in a Mexican, mad way. There's an enthusiastic response to something. Neil Jordan, the same, when he gets excited . You just want to know there's a human being in there.

    "Alan Rickman: The Empire Interview". Interview with Nev Pierce, January 14, 2016.
  • If you spend any time in Los Angeles, there's only one topic of conversation.

    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • Actors are actually very supportive of each other.

  • I mean, language fascinates me anyway, and different words have different energies and you can change the whole drive of a sentence.

    "Alan Rickman Interview NOBEL SON" by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub, December 5, 2008.
  • I have just returned from the dubbing studio where I spoke into a microphone as Severus Snape for absolutely the last time.

    "Alan Rickman Says Goodbye to 'Harry Potter' in a published letter to J.K.Rowling" by Josh Wigler, May 26, 2011.
  • Those of you who are not aware of my brilliant career as a stand up comic, I'm not aware of it either so we might well wonder what we're doing here.

  • Nothing gives me as much pleasure as travelling. I love getting on trains and boats and planes.

  • I'm always aware of the camera and it feels like that's the audience.

  • Maverick is a word which appeals to me more than misfit. Maverick is active, misfit is passive.

  • On the screen were some flashback shots of Daniel, Emma and Rupert from ten years ago. They were 12. I have also recently returned from New York, and while I was there, I saw Daniel singing and dancing (brilliantly) on Broadway. A lifetime seems to have passed in minutes.

    "Alan Rickman Says Goodbye to 'Harry Potter' in a published letter to J.K.Rowling" by Josh Wigler, May 26, 2011.
  • Each character I play has different dimensions. I'm not interested in words that pull them together.

  • I was coming from a very cerebral, dark, difficult, layered play by Christopher Hampton and doing an action movie in Hollywood (Die Hard) with explosions, and I was holding a gun.

    "Alan Rickman: The Empire Interview". Interview with Nev Pierce, January 14, 2016.
  • I never talk about 'Harry Potter' because I think that would rob children of something that's private to them. I think too many things get explained, so I hate talking about it.

  • When I am asked about influences, I always say I bow down to Fred Astaire, because when you look at him dancing you never look at his extremities, do you? You look at his centre. What you never see is the hours of work that went into the routines, you just see the breathtaking spirit and freedom.

  • I suppose with any good writing and interesting characters, you can have that awfully overused word [...] - a jouuuuuurney.

    "Alan Rickman: Truly, deeply appealing". November 20, 2011.
  • The first time that I came to New York to work properly was the mid-'80s, but I was doing eight shows a week. You have no life. Going to a punk rock club - or whatever the music was at that time - would not have been on my agenda.

    "'CBGB' was never on Alan Rickman's 'Agenda' - now he's the boss"by Alex Zalben, October 11, 2013.
  • Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world.

    "Alan Rickman on 'Nobel Son'". Interview with Aaron Hillis, December 04, 2008.
  • That's it then. Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas.

  • I'm a quite serious actor who doesn't mind being ridiculously comic.

    "11 Actors You Recognize Whose Names You Forget" by Ryan Murphy, February 1, 2006.
  • I never expected to have any kind of film career, to be honest. It was all a bit of a surprise. But I was in a big hit play on Broadway. America, as many people will say, says yes more often than we do. And so I was suddenly surrounded by people saying yes. But I was aware that was 'cause of what I was in. It had a big impact.

    "Alan Rickman: The Empire Interview". Interview with Nev Pierce, January 14, 2016.
  • Do you know that moment when you paint a landscape as a child and, when you're maybe under seven or something, the sky is just a blue stripe across the top of the paper? And then there's that somewhat disappointing moment when the teacher tells you that the sky actually comes down in amongst all the branches. And it's like life changes at that moment and becomes much more complicated and a little bit more boring, as it's rather tedious to fill in the branches.

  • Snow Cake is a lovely film. Really proud of that. We shot it in 21 days. I thought Sigourney was amazing in it. And very, very accurate. I think there was some element that thought she had pushed it too far. But not at all when you do the amount of homework she had done and spent the amount of time she did with adult autistics. She was right on the money. And I think Marc Evans is a terrific director. He's a sweet, open, honest man and a really good director of actors.

    "Alan Rickman: The Empire Interview". Interview with Nev Pierce, January 14, 2016.
  • From my experience, I think that every actor has to make sure that they're in charge of their own career somehow or other.

    "Alan Rickman Interview NOBEL SON". Interview with Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub, December 5, 2008.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 110 quotes from the Actor Alan Rickman, starting from February 21, 1946! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!