Alex Kotlowitz Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Alex Kotlowitz's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Journalist Alex Kotlowitz's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 6 quotes on this page collected since ! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • Some of the worst neighborhoods are so physically isolated, and more than anything, they're spiritually isolated. They're so close and yet so far. A lot of Chicagoans might not spend any time there, and what contact they do have is through what they see in the news, which is a little unsettling.

  • I tend to write about people. I look at things from the bottom up and from the perspective of outsiders. A part of me just identifies with them. It's my messed up internal nature that I always feel like an outsider. It's just my nature. At film festivals, I was an outsider for sure, but I always felt like one as well. I have that feeling at parties, too. I don't belong there.

    Party   Writing   People  
  • A Crime So Monstrous is a remarkably brave and unflinching piece of reportage and storytelling. Ben Skinner bears witness, sharing stories so unsettling, so neglected, so chilling they will leave you shaking with anger. This should be required reading for policy makers around the world - and, for that matter, anyone concerned about the human condition.

  • There's something exhilarating about telling stories that haven't been shared before and haven't been told publicly before. The last thing I want to be doing is telling stories other people have already told. That's not to say that there isn't important work out there about people in positions of power, but I know my strength. Even when I was at the Wall Street Journal 10 years ago, this is what I wrote about.

    Wall   People   Work Out  
  • Freedom is like holding a small bird. If you squeeze it too hard, you will kill it. But if you don't hold it firmly enough, it will fly away. Indeed, freedom can be both fragile and elusive, and so-as the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum so powerfully reminds us-it requires our eternal vigilance, our willingness, our ability, our conviction to stand up for that which we think is right.

    Thinking   Museums   Bird  
  • The power of good film is being there in the moment.

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