Alex Pettyfer Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Alex Pettyfer's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actor Alex Pettyfer's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since April 10, 1990! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Alex Pettyfer: Character Film more...
  • Being an actor in L.A. is like being in prison: you go, you serve your time, you try to replicate Johnny Depp's career-and then you move to Paris.

  • I truly believe in love, and I think that every relationship should start the way that our relationship started with our first love when we were 16, 17 or 18.

  • I think you have to be very secure as an actor to escape yourself - to revisit someones past, whether youre portraying another person or creating someone, and then to come back to who you are and not bring those emotions with you.

    Personal Quote,
  • I'm so terrible. When it comes to talking to women, I'm the worst. I don't know what to say. I come over very, very geeky.

  • I love traveling, but I hate planes.

    Interview with Sarah Wilson, July 15, 2010.
  • I did a modeling gig once, but I am not a model. I want to be a model because it's a lot easier than acting.

  • I like movies that interest me and stories that interest me, I don't think about how much money it's gonna [cost] to make the movie, I don't think about any of that. I think about certain aspects like who's making the movie and who's gonna tell a story that I wanna be involved in, but I don't have that choice and I never have.

  • Parties don't thrill me. I like sitting at home with a tub of Chunky Monkey ice cream watching Big Brother or Friends.

  • I think it's becoming rarer and rarer when I consider the experiences that I've had in my life between my dad and my brother and all the men in my life who have all been gentlemen and have looked after women.

  • I have never been in a situation thankfully where I haven't gotten along with my girlfriend's parents. I've been very lucky to have girlfriends that have had such amazing families that have brought me in.

  • I don't know if I would go so far to say that I would punch someone in the face, but I would definitely stand up for my lady. But sometimes it's more attractive to use your words than your fists.

  • I play a man who is obsessed with his own beauty, so it's perfect casting.

  • I think your emotion changes from person to person. As you get older, a lot of people become cynical because of the experiences they have had and haven't been able to let go of, whether they've been cheated on or whether it hasn't worked out. It's so easy to turn around right now and say, "Just let it go."

  • When you play a character it's the persona you bring across from a book to film, or book to script to film. If I play Frank Sinatra, there's gonna be things I do in a movie that Frank might not have done, but it's the personality that comes across.

  • I've really actually grown with my girlfriends and the people that they've introduced me to and the way that I've been welcomed in by their families. I'm a very, very lucky man.

  • People ask me, "Why do you love making films?" and I always say, "Because I love film." I hope that I can call myself a movie buff.

  • Nothing embarrassing, but hopefully I can call myself a gentleman because of my father.

  • I never think about the next movie. I always think about the situation I'm in now, but you do think about an arc someone can go. I love Johnny Depp, I love "Pirates of the Caribbean", but I never wanted to play the same character over and over again.

    "Alex Pettyfer On Set Interview I AM NUMBER FOUR". Interview with Steve 'Frosty' Weintarub, October 11, 2010.
  • We live in a world where it's so accessible to date now, which is great. I don't judge that. We have so many ways of meeting people. I like to meet someone and have that chivalry, to take them out on a date and actually be a gentleman. I think that's becoming rarer and rarer.

  • When you have passion it changes your perspective on things, you want every tiny detail to be right. You want funny moments to be funny, sad moments to be sad. You wanna give your all.

  • I think that first love defines you and your relationships, for the rest of your life. I had a great first love. My heart was ripped out of my chest, but I think that happens to everyone.

  • What I really love, is finding a script and fantasizing and going to a different world and kind of portraying a character that is interesting. Because other lives interest us, that's why we read magazines like People and try and fascinate and drool over what other people are doing.

  • You may have good relationships and you may have bad. You just have to roll with it and truly believe, and not be cynical. But, it's hard. You go through four relationships where you're not happy and you've been cheated on, or whatever - and I'm not saying this has happened to me - but you have to still believe.

  • I'm a hopeless romantic, I say very loudly and proudly. I get a lot of stick for it.

  • I remember reading Disturbia, one of the first scripts I ever got, and I go "Pfft, who wants to make a movie about a guy in a house?"

    "Alex Pettyfer and Director D.J. Caruso Interview I AM NUMBER FOUR". Interview with Steve "Frosty" Weintraub, December 28, 2010.
  • I think I can speak on behalf of women and say that every woman wants a man who just loves them and lusts after them.

  • I don't categorize movies. I just look for great stories.

  • The biggest thing for me is I don't want to let people down. At the same time I love things that scare me and challenge me. If your job doesn't do that and doesn't excite you there's no point in doing it.

  • I wish I had some interesting stories about living in L.A., but mostly I just do my work and then go home.

    "Alex Pettyfer Calls Hollywood 'Socially Disgusting'" by Lindsay Powers, April 28, 2011.
  • I never knew that when you're number one on the call sheet you have not only the responsibility of carrying the film but also the responsibility of keeping up the morale of the crew and cast.

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Alex Pettyfer quotes about: Character Film