Alexandre Dumas-fils Quotes
The reason why women grown bad are worse than men is because it is the best that turns to the worst.
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The chains of marriage are so heavy that it takes two to bear them, sometimes three.
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Everything was believed except the truth.
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No matter how long I live, I shall live longer than you will love me
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Women sometimes allow you to be unfaithful to their love; they never allow you to wound their self-esteem.
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Her delight in the smallest things was like that of a child. There were days when she ran in the garden, like a child of ten, after a butterfly or a dragon-fly. This courtesan who had cost more money in bouquets than would have kept a whole family in comfort, would sometimes sit on the grass for an hour, examining the simple flower whose name she bore.
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Love without esteem cannot go far or reach high. It is an angel with only one wing.
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The child is small, and he includes the man; the brain is narrow, and it harbours thought; the eye is but a point, and it covers leagues
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One has always had a childhood, whatever one becomes.
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We must have done something very wicked before we were born, or else we must be going to be very happy indeed when we are dead, for God to let this life have all the tortures of expiation and all the sorrows of an ordeal.
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We are not allowed to have hearts, under penalty of being hooted down.
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Be good, be young, be true! Evil is nothing but vanity, let us have the pride of good, and above all let us never despair.
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Memory is a paradise out of which fate cannot drive us.