Andrew Dice Clay Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Andrew Dice Clay's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Comedian Andrew Dice Clay's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 58 quotes on this page collected since September 29, 1957! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Andrew Dice Clay: Acting Animals Giving Growing Up Parents Today more...
  • People have always been animals when it comes to sex. But since the Internet, it's become really out of control, in my opinion.

  • When I did a sitcom and played a postman, I was brought to tears playing that postman, because I felt like one. I didn't grow up even wanting to be a post man. Now, I understand the meaning of the term "postal." I was bored to tears. And what was funny was that the producer actually looked like a bug.

  • I have no problem today letting people know I'm part of what they live. That's why I know about the things that make people the assholes they are. They have no choice but to be part of it.

  • I want to be able to make people laugh as hard as they possibly can, and I really think they need that.

    "Andrew Dice Clay is back with 'no apologies'" by Alan Duke, December 29, 2012.
  • Comics, as good as they might be, they didn't know much about performance. There aren't too many comics you could watch for an hour without getting tired. They might have good material, but it's about theater to me.

  • I make people laugh hard; I'm a comic, that's just the way it is. And I make them laugh because I'm funny, not because I'm filthy. The subject matter is dirty, but the pictures I paint are really funny. A lot of comics don't understand that that's what it's about. It's just, "I'll be dirty and they'll laugh." Nobody's becoming a superstar that way.

  • Life is like sex, baby - the more you put in, the more you get out. End of story.

  • Anybody can go onstage and be dirty. You have to be funny, that's the key. You can say anything as long as it's funny. You can't take it too seriously up there. And people coming to see you can't take it too seriously.

  • I’m a Brooklyn guy onstage, and I try to really feed my fans with the kind of material they expect from me.

    "Andrew Dice Clay On ‘Indestructible,’ His Comeback And Why He Hates Internet Porn". Interview with Ross Luippold, December 26, 2012.
  • Women are now more aggressive than men! And I don't put them down for it. I think it's great. My attitude with sex with any woman I've ever been with is, I want you to be exactly who you want to be behind closed doors. Don't ever hold back with me.

  • I'm an animal. I'm an animal in real-life and an animal onstage. I never became a recluse, I never lived up in the Hills where I didn't see real life. You know what I mean? I'm not still living in Brooklyn, but I'm still living in the street. I go out by myself, I don't go out with a million body guards, I run my own errands.

  • I think the best part of being gay is when you're done [with sex], you could turn over and talk about football.

  • I don't get up and look at e-mail. I don't even know my e-mail address. I needed one just to have a computer put on. But I never, ever even thought of going to it. It's just not what I'm about. I just don't want to waste my life with it. It's just too much; I think people are just a little too absorbed in all of that.

  • I just like to make people laugh.

    Biography/Person Quotes,
  • I always wanted to give people the more exciting version of what I think a comedian should be - because I didn't grow up with comics, I grew up with rock 'n' roll. And when I saw a lot of comics, no matter how good they might have been material-wise, I would get a little bored with them after 10 minutes, only because I feel comedians don't really know performance.

  • Even as a stage performer, I have my garb which is leather jackets and black jeans to make me feel a certain way. The wardrobe is really important to feeling the character you're playing.

  • Women today are the biggest pigs today in history. They are just the dirtiest, nastiest slobs. I don't know how old your chick is, but the truth of the matter is they've become the aggressors. You know? They're upset if you're not balls deep in them by half way through the first date! They think you don't like them.

  • As long as you can walk the street and you know there's a tomorrow, there's always that chance. That's how I've always been. I've always had complete belief that I would make something out of myself again, because to me, it's always been about accomplishment.

  • There are very few comics that understand about exciting the crowd, and that's what I always prided myself on: giving a more confident macho attitude towards delivering material.

    "Andrew Dice Clay on His New Special, Political Correctness, and Working with Woody Allen". Interview with David Haglund, December 20, 2012.
  • I lived in Beverly Hills for years. I always had a line, “I hate the rich.” From what I witnessed after living there for 15 years, these people just don’t raise their kids. I used to see the lineup of cars in front of the schools and it was all the nannies.

    "Andrew Dice Clay On ‘Indestructible,’ His Comeback And Why He Hates Internet Porn". Interview with Ross Luippold, December 26, 2012.
  • Anything that I wanted to do in my career that I wanted to do always worked out. The stuff I got talked into always failed. All the stuff I was talked into, by brilliant managers, because it always came down to, "Know how much money you'll make?" And then it would just fail.

  • I might do cartoonish sexual jokes, but it's my way of saying what's going on in the world. How people are animals, really.

  • Comics, a lot of them, are really depressed people, and I happen to be somebody that does have a lot of confidence. That's the odd thing about my stand-up. I am very confident. I always was.

  • My mother was the one who totally got behind me as far as, do things and ask questions later. My father would say, "I don't care how dirty you are up there, just be funny." Because they knew me offstage. They knew I was a good guy. They knew my whole plan of becoming the most exciting comedian, visually, ever. A real rock-and-roll stand-up comic.

  • When you jerk off, you're saying "Hey", I care about me.

    "Dice Rules". Comedy, Documentary, 1991.
  • If it smells like fish its a dish. If it smells like cologne leave it alone.

  • You know, women are acting the way they want to act now. Years ago they would hide it in the way they dressed, the way they speak, even the way they act in bed. Today, they're doing the same thing, but they're dressing the way they want to be treated and, when you're with them, acting the way they want to act. And you know, honesty is the best policy. I love that.

  • The whole world has changed, so you just stay current with the world. There's nothing different in my language of how I say things.

  • Don't most men actually think that the more money they spend on a date, the more fingers they get to stick in your pussy before they kiss you goodnight?

  • If you hide what you really are, then there's going to be problems in marriage down the road. I don't mind if a girl is aggressive. It's just sex.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 58 quotes from the Comedian Andrew Dice Clay, starting from September 29, 1957! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Andrew Dice Clay quotes about: Acting Animals Giving Growing Up Parents Today