Barack Obama Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Barack Obama's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from 44th U.S. President Barack Obama's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 3124 quotes on this page collected since August 4, 1961! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Barack Obama: 4th Of July Abortion Abraham Abuse Accountability Achievement Acting Addiction Advertising Affairs Affirmative Action Afghanistan Age Aids Airplane Al Qaeda Aliens Ambition American Dream Anxiety Apologizing Appreciation Arguing Arrogance Art Assumption Atheist Atmosphere Attitude Authority Babies Balance Being A Father Being Successful Being The Best Belief Bin Laden Birth Blame Blessings Books Boundaries Brothers Brothers And Sisters Bullying Bus Business Cancer Caring Cars Censorship Challenges Change Changing The World Chaos Character Charity Cheers Childhood Children Choices Christ Christianity Church Citizenship Civil Rights Civil Rights Movement Civil War Civility Clean Energy Climate Change Clinton Cold War College Comedy Commitment Common Sense Communication Community Compassion Competition Compromise Computers Conflict Conscience Constitution Corruption Country Credit Cards Crime Criticism Critics Culture Cynicism Dad Daughters Debate Decision Making Decisions Defeat Democracy Democratic Party Design Desire Destiny Determination Devotion Dialogue Dictator Difficulty Dignity Diplomacy Discrimination Diversity Dogs Doubt Dreams Driving Drugs Duty Dying Earth Eating Economic Growth Economics Economists Economy Education Education System Effort Election Day Elections Electricity Emotions Empathy Encouragement Enemies Energy Environment Equal Rights Equality Ethics European Union Evidence Evil Excellence Excuses Exercise Expectations Extras Extremism Eyes Failing Failure Faith Fame Family Famine Fashion Fate Fathers Feelings Fighting Finance Financial Crisis Flight Focus Foreign Policy Fossil Fuels Free Market Free Speech Freedom Freedom Of Religion Freedom Of Speech Frustration Fun Funny Future Gas Gay Marriage Gay Rights Gender Genius Giving Giving Up Global Warming Globalisation Globalization Goals God Goodness Grace Graduation Grandmothers Grandparents Gratitude Great Depression Greatness Greece Greed Greek Growing Up Growth Gun Control Guns Habits Hallmark Hamas Hard Work Hardship Hate Hatred Health Health Care Healthcare Heart Hell Helping Others High School Hills Hiring History Holiday Holocaust Home Homework Honor Hook Hope Horses House Human Dignity Human Nature Human Rights Humanity Humility Hunger Hurt Husband Identity Ideology Ignorance Illness Imagination Immigration Immigration Reform Inauguration Income Tax Independence Inequality Inflation Injustice Innovation Inspiration Inspirational Inspiring Integration Integrity Internet Iraq War Irony Islam Jesus Jesus Christ Jets Journey Joy Judaism Judging Judgment Justice Killing Kindness Labor Language Laughter Lawyers Leadership Leaving Legacy Lgbt Liberty Libraries Life Lifetime Listening Loan Losing Loss Love Luck Luther Lying Making A Difference Making Decisions Making Mistakes Making Money Marines Marriage Math Mccain Medicare Meetings Memorial Day Memories Mental Health Middle Class Military Millionaire Miracles Mistakes Mom Money Moon Morality Morning Mortgages Mothers Motivational Mountain Moving Forward National Security Nato Natural Gas Navy Negotiation Neighbors New Year Nra Nuclear Weapons Nurses Office Opinions Opportunity Optimism Osama Bin Laden Overcoming Pain Palestine Parents Parties Partnerships Passion Past Pastors Patience Patriotism Patriots Peace Pensions Perspective Planning Police Political Parties Politicians Politics Pollution Pot Poverty Prayer Prejudice President Obama Presidential Election Pride Prisons Privacy Pro Life Problem Solving Progress Propaganda Property Prosperity Public Schools Public Service Purity Purpose Quality Questioning Quitting Racism Reading Reality Recognition Recovery Reflection Refugees Regret Religion Religious Freedom Renewable Energy Republican Party Resentment Responsibility Retirement Revolution Rhetoric Risk Role Models Rule Of Law Running Sacrifice Safety Salvation School Science Science And Technology Scripture Second Amendment Secret Service Security Selling September 11 Settlements Seven Shame Silence Silver Sin Skepticism Skyscraper Slavery Sleep Small Business Social Media Soldiers Son Soul Soviet Union Sports Stereotypes Strategy Stress Struggle Students Study Style Success Suffering Summer Supreme Court Syria Take Care Talent Taliban Taxes Tea Teachers Teaching Team Technology Terror Terrorism Terrorists This Day Today Tolerance Torture Trade Tradition Tragedy Train Training Transgenders Transparency Uncertainty Understanding Unity Universal Health Care Universe Values Veterans Victory Violence Vision Volunteerism Voting Vulnerability Waiting Wall War War Of The Worlds Water Weakness Wealth Weed Welfare Wife Winning Winter Wisdom Working Together Worry Worship Writing Youth more...
  • ...Started by missionaries in 1841, Punahou Academy had grown into a prestigious prep school, an incubator for island elites...It hadn't been easy to get me in, my grandparents told her (my mother); there was a long waiting list, and I was considered only because of the intervention of Gramps' boss, who was an alumnus (my first experience with affirmative action, it seems, had little to do with race).

  • The United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people. It's not the only country that has psychosis. And yet we kill each other in these mass shootings at rates that are exponentially higher than anyone else. Well, what's the difference? The difference is that these guys can stack up a bunch of ammunition in their houses, and that's sort of par for the course.

    "Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful" by Kevin Liptak, June 10, 2014.
  • There's a lot of people talking about elitism and all of that.Yes, I went to Princeton and Harvard, but the lens through which I see the world is the lens that I grew up with. I am the product of a working class upbringing.

  • There's nothing that America can't handle if we actually look squarely at the problem. ...Change depends on our actions.

  • So I'm not proposing anything radical. I just believe that anybody making over $250,000 a year should go back to the income tax rates we were paying under Bill Clinton. Back when our economy created nearly 23 million new jobs, the biggest budget surplus in history, and plenty of millionaires to boot. ... At the same time, most people agree that we should not raise taxes on middle-class families or small businesses -- not when so many folks are just trying to get by.

  • Societies held together by fear and repression may offer the illusion of stability for a time, but they are built upon fault lines that will eventually tear asunder.

    Remarks at the Department of State, May 19, 2011.
  • It’s not that I want to punish your success. I want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success, too. My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.

    "Obama Fires a ‘Robin Hood’ Warning Shot". October 15, 2008.
  • A free market was never meant to be a free licence to take whatever you can get, however you can get it.

  • You have to be involved in terms of what's happening in your local neighborhood and what issues are there.

  • We have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own

  • Learning to stand in somebody else's shoes, to see through their eyes, that's how peace begins. And it's up to you to make that happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world.

    Obama Holds a Town Hall in Istanbul, April 7, 2009.
  • The United States, we know what happens when we start dividing ourselves along lines of race or religion or ethnicity.

    Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece in Joint Press Conference, Maximos Mansion, Athens, Greece, November 15, 2016.
  • What Washington needs is adult supervision.

  • I'm always suspicious of politics dividing people instead of bringing them together.

  • If you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.

    Interview with Laura Haim, Canal Plus, France, June 1, 2009.
  • If you want a model for what is possible, if you want to see how to build a peaceful and prosperous and dynamic society, then look at Berlin and look at Germany.

    Remarks by President Obama and Chancellor Merkel of Germany in a Joint Press Conference, November 17, 2016.
  • The War on Drugs has been an utter failure. We need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws.

  • I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting." (Victory Speech, Nov. 7, 2012)

    Fighting   Long  
    Second Presidential Election Victory Speech, delivered 7 November 2012, McCormick Place Chicago, Illinois
  • A nation cannot prosper long when it favors only the prosperous.

    First Presidential Inaugural Address, Delivered 20 January 2009
  • It was not a religion that attacked us that September day. It was al-Qaeda. We will not sacrifice the liberties we cherish or hunker down behind walls of suspicion and mistrust.

  • There are always things that I think I wish I could have done better.

  • If there's even one thing we can do - even one life we can save - we have an obligation to try

  • Right around my first year of college - I remember "Song of Solomon," by Toni Morrison, just moved me tremendously. The power of language and how it can peel back truths, bring things to the surface. So I learned a lot from fiction.

  • We must begin by acknowledging a hard truth. We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes. There will be times when nations, acting individually or in concert, will find the use of force not only necessary but morally justified.

    Nobel Prize for Peace Acceptance Speech and Lecture, delivered 10 December 2009, Oslo City Hall, Oslo, Norway
  • We do want people to know if in fact we learn of an incident that's focused on a particular city.If we learn of long-term planning, that's focused on a particular industry or infrastructure. And so we feel we have an obligation to let people know if we have information of a credible threat or not.

    Long   People  
  • People are whupped. I'm whupped. My wife is whupped. Unless it's your job to be curious, who really has the time to sit and ask questions and explore issues?

  • n case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died - an entire town destroyed.

    "Obama Gaffe: "10,000" Died In Kan. Tornado". May 9, 2007.
  • We were just at the beginnings of a recovery [in 2010]. And the, you know, whoever is president at that point is gonna get hit and his party's gonna get hit. That then means that suddenly you've got a redistricting in which a lot of state legislatures are now Republican. They draw lines that give a huge structural advantage in subsequent elections.

  • Unless you're one of the first Americans, a Native American, you came from someplace else. Somebody brought you.

    Remarks by the President on Comprehensive Immigration Reform, January 29, 2013.
  • Let's be grateful for what we have. Let's be mindful of those who have less. Let's appreciate those who hold a special place in our lives, and make sure they know it. And let's think about those who can't spend the holiday with their loved ones - especially the members of our military serving overseas.

    “CNN Newsroom”, November 23, 2011.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 3124 quotes from the 44th U.S. President Barack Obama, starting from August 4, 1961! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Barack Obama quotes about: 4th Of July Abortion Abraham Abuse Accountability Achievement Acting Addiction Advertising Affairs Affirmative Action Afghanistan Age Aids Airplane Al Qaeda Aliens Ambition American Dream Anxiety Apologizing Appreciation Arguing Arrogance Art Assumption Atheist Atmosphere Attitude Authority Babies Balance Being A Father Being Successful Being The Best Belief Bin Laden Birth Blame Blessings Books Boundaries Brothers Brothers And Sisters Bullying Bus Business Cancer Caring Cars Censorship Challenges Change Changing The World Chaos Character Charity Cheers Childhood Children Choices Christ Christianity Church Citizenship Civil Rights Civil Rights Movement Civil War Civility Clean Energy Climate Change Clinton Cold War College Comedy Commitment Common Sense Communication Community Compassion Competition Compromise Computers Conflict Conscience Constitution Corruption Country Credit Cards Crime Criticism Critics Culture Cynicism Dad Daughters Debate Decision Making Decisions Defeat Democracy Democratic Party Design Desire Destiny Determination Devotion Dialogue Dictator Difficulty Dignity Diplomacy Discrimination Diversity Dogs Doubt Dreams Driving Drugs Duty Dying Earth Eating Economic Growth Economics Economists Economy Education Education System Effort Election Day Elections Electricity Emotions Empathy Encouragement Enemies Energy Environment Equal Rights Equality Ethics European Union Evidence Evil Excellence Excuses Exercise Expectations Extras Extremism Eyes Failing Failure Faith Fame Family Famine Fashion Fate Fathers Feelings Fighting Finance Financial Crisis Flight Focus Foreign Policy Fossil Fuels Free Market Free Speech Freedom Freedom Of Religion Freedom Of Speech Frustration Fun Funny Future Gas Gay Marriage Gay Rights Gender Genius Giving Giving Up Global Warming Globalisation Globalization Goals God Goodness Grace Graduation Grandmothers Grandparents Gratitude Great Depression Greatness Greece Greed Greek Growing Up Growth Gun Control Guns Habits Hallmark Hamas Hard Work Hardship Hate Hatred Health Health Care Healthcare Heart Hell Helping Others High School Hills Hiring History Holiday Holocaust Home Homework Honor Hook Hope Horses House Human Dignity Human Nature Human Rights Humanity Humility Hunger Hurt Husband Identity Ideology Ignorance Illness Imagination Immigration Immigration Reform Inauguration Income Tax Independence Inequality Inflation Injustice Innovation Inspiration Inspirational Inspiring Integration Integrity Internet Iraq War Irony Islam Jesus Jesus Christ Jets Journey Joy Judaism Judging Judgment Justice Killing Kindness Labor Language Laughter Lawyers Leadership Leaving Legacy Lgbt Liberty Libraries Life Lifetime Listening Loan Losing Loss Love Luck Luther Lying Making A Difference Making Decisions Making Mistakes Making Money Marines Marriage Math Mccain Medicare Meetings Memorial Day Memories Mental Health Middle Class Military Millionaire Miracles Mistakes Mom Money Moon Morality Morning Mortgages Mothers Motivational Mountain Moving Forward National Security Nato Natural Gas Navy Negotiation Neighbors New Year Nra Nuclear Weapons Nurses Office Opinions Opportunity Optimism Osama Bin Laden Overcoming Pain Palestine Parents Parties Partnerships Passion Past Pastors Patience Patriotism Patriots Peace Pensions Perspective Planning Police Political Parties Politicians Politics Pollution Pot Poverty Prayer Prejudice President Obama Presidential Election Pride Prisons Privacy Pro Life Problem Solving Progress Propaganda Property Prosperity Public Schools Public Service Purity Purpose Quality Questioning Quitting Racism Reading Reality Recognition Recovery Reflection Refugees Regret Religion Religious Freedom Renewable Energy Republican Party Resentment Responsibility Retirement Revolution Rhetoric Risk Role Models Rule Of Law Running Sacrifice Safety Salvation School Science Science And Technology Scripture Second Amendment Secret Service Security Selling September 11 Settlements Seven Shame Silence Silver Sin Skepticism Skyscraper Slavery Sleep Small Business Social Media Soldiers Son Soul Soviet Union Sports Stereotypes Strategy Stress Struggle Students Study Style Success Suffering Summer Supreme Court Syria Take Care Talent Taliban Taxes Tea Teachers Teaching Team Technology Terror Terrorism Terrorists This Day Today Tolerance Torture Trade Tradition Tragedy Train Training Transgenders Transparency Uncertainty Understanding Unity Universal Health Care Universe Values Veterans Victory Violence Vision Volunteerism Voting Vulnerability Waiting Wall War War Of The Worlds Water Weakness Wealth Weed Welfare Wife Winning Winter Wisdom Working Together Worry Worship Writing Youth

    Barack Obama

    • Born: August 4, 1961
    • Occupation: 44th U.S. President