Benjamin Franklin Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Benjamin Franklin's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Founding Father of the United States Benjamin Franklin's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 1394 quotes on this page collected since January 17, 1706! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Benjamin Franklin: 4th Of July Abuse Accomplishment Achievement Acting Affairs Age Aging Aids Alcohol Ambition American Revolution Anger Animals Anxiety Appearance Art Atheism Atheist Beauty Beer Being Happy Birds Blindness Books Borrowing Brothers Business Caring Cats Censorship Certainty Change Changing The World Character Charity Cheating Cheers Chess Children Choices Christ Christianity Christmas Church Church And State Civil Liberties Common Sense Conscience Constitution Contentment Cooking Country Courage Criticism Daughters Death Decisions Declaration Of Independence Democracy Desire Diamonds Difficulty Dogs Doubt Dreams Drinking Duty Dying Earth Eating Economics Economy Education Electricity Emotions Enemies Energy Environment Evil Excuses Exercise Experience Eyes Failing Failure Faith Family Fathers Fear Fighting Finance Fitness Flattery Food Forgiveness Free Speech Freedom Freedom And Liberty Freedom Of Speech Friends Friendship Frugality Funny Generosity Genius Get Money Giving Giving Up Goals God Gold Good Morning Goodness Gossip Gratitude Grieving Habits Happiness Happy Hard Work Hate Healing Health Heart Heaven History Honesty Honor Hope Horses House Human Nature Humanity Humility Hunger Hurt Husband Idleness Ignorance Immigration Independence Injury Inspiration Inspirational Inspiring Integrity Jesus Joy Judging Judgment Justice Karma Kindness Knowledge Labor Language Laughter Lawyers Laziness Leadership Learning Libertarianism Liberty Life Loss Love Love Life Lying Making Mistakes Making Money Management Mankind Manners Marriage Mask Math Memories Mistakes Moderation Modesty Mom Money Morality Morning Mothers Motivation Motivational Nature Neighbors Neighbours Nutrition Obedience Office Opinions Opportunity Pain Parents Parties Passion Patience Patriots Peace Perfection Perseverance Persistence Persuasion Philanthropy Philosophy Planning Pleasure Politicians Politics Positive Positive Thinking Positivity Pot Poverty Praise Prayer Prejudice Preparation Pride Prisons Private Property Procrastination Productivity Progress Prohibition Property Property Rights Prosperity Prudence Purpose Quality Rage Rain Reading Reality Rebellion Reincarnation Relationships Religion Religious Freedom Reputation Revelations Revenge Revolution Running Sacrifice Safety Saving Money School Science Security Self Control Self Love Selling Separation Of Church And State Shame Sickness Silence Silver Sin Sincerity Singularity Slavery Slaves Sleep Sloth Soldiers Son Soul Sports Spring Study Success Suffering Take Care Taxes Teachers Teaching Temperance This Day Time Time Management Today Tolerance Trade Truth Tyranny Universe Values Vegetarian Vietnam War Virtue Vision Voting Waiting War Water Wealth Weight Loss Wife Wine Winning Wisdom Wit Work Worry Worship Writing Youth more...
  • Pride is as loud a beggar as want, and a great deal more saucy

    Benjamin Franklin (1836). “The Works of Benjamin Franklin; Containing Several Political and Historical Tracts Not Included in Any Former Edition, and Many Letters, Official and Private, Not Hitherto Published; with Notes and a Life of the Author”, p.100
  • She that paints her Face, thinks of her Tail.

    Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Way to Wealth and Poor Richard's Almanac”, p.35, Nayika Publishing
  • Let every fart count as a peal of thunder for liberty. Let every fart remind the nation of how much it has let pass out of its control. It is a small gesture, but one that can be very effective - especially in a large crowd. So fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty - and fart proudly.

    Benjamin Franklin, Carl Japikse (2003). “Fart Proudly: Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School”, p.128, Frog Books
  • Cut the Wings of your Hens and Hopes, lest they lead you a weary Dance after them.

    Benjamin Franklin (2007). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.62, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
  • Speak ill of no man, but speak all the good you know of everybody.

  • Lighthouses are more helpful than churches.

    James C. Humes, Benjamin Franklin (1995). “The wit and wisdom of Benjamin Franklin: a treasury of more than 900 quotations and anecdotes”, Harpercollins
  • Time eateth all things, could old poets say, The times are chang'd, our times drink all away.

    Benjamin Franklin (2004). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.10, Barnes & Noble Publishing
  • An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. When it comes to investing, nothing will pay off more than educating yourself. Do the necessary research, study and analysis before making any investment decisions.

  • Here comes the orator with his flood of words and his drop of reason.

    Poor Richard's Almanack, Oct. 1735
  • Spare when young, and spend when old.

    Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Way to Wealth and Poor Richard's Almanac”, p.35, Nayika Publishing
  • That as we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours, and this we should do freely and generously.

    Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”, p.178, Applewood Books
  • How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, His precepts!

    Benjamin Franklin “Poor Richard Day by Day”,
  • Since they are our right, let us be vigilant to preserve them uninfringed, and free from encroachments. If animosities arise, and we should be obliged to resort to party, let each of us range himself on the side which unfurls the ensigns of public good. Faction will then vanish, which, if not timely suppressed, may overturn the balance, the palladium of liberty, and crush us under its ruins.

    Benjamin Franklin, Jared Sparks (1836). “Works: containing several political and historical tracts not included in any former edition ...”, p.281
  • A wolf eats sheep but now and then, ten Thousands are devour'd by Men.

    Benjamin Franklin (2004). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.80, Barnes & Noble Publishing
  • The securest place is a prison cell, but there is no liberty

  • The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy.

    Benjamin Franklin, Jared Sparks (1837). “The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Containing Several Political and Historical Tracts Not Included in Any Former Edition, and Many Letters, Official and Private Not Hitherto Published”, p.457
  • Where there's no law, there's no bread.

    Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Way to Wealth and Poor Richard's Almanac”, Nayika Publishing
  • Common sense without education, is better than education without common sense.

  • A greater Quantity of some things may be eaten than of others, some being of lighter Digestion than others.

    Benjamin Franklin (1839). “Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin”, p.39
  • Religion I found to be without any tendency to inspire, promote, or confirm morality, serves principally to divide us and make us unfriendly to one another.

    Benjamin Franklin, Henry Stueber (1847). “Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin; Written by Himself: With His Most Interesting Essays, Letters, and Miscellaneous Writings, Familiar, Moral, Political, Economical, and Philosophical”, p.102
  • I believe there is one Supreme most perfect being. [...] I believe He is pleased and delights in the happiness of those He has created; and since without virtue man can have no happiness in this world, I firmly believe He delights to see me virtuous.

    "Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion". Book by Benjamin Franklin, 1728.
  • Arguing is a game that two can play at. But it is a strange game in that neither opponent ever wins.

  • If I could see one live show before I died, I'd see Lucy Angel

  • You may delay, but time will not.

    Benjamin Franklin (1998). “Benjamin Franklin Wit and Wisdom”, p.43, Peter Pauper Press, Inc.
  • Love of country is the Mason's deed; world citizenship is his thought.

  • In a discreet man's mouth, a public thing is private.

    Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Way to Wealth and Poor Richard's Almanac”, Nayika Publishing
  • After three days men grow weary, of a wench, a guest, and weather rainy.

    Poor Richard's Almanack, June 1733
  • A good example is the best sermon.

    Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Way to Wealth and Poor Richard's Almanac”, Nayika Publishing
  • It is easier to build two chimneys than to keep one in fuel.

    Benjamin Franklin (1848). “The Way to Wealth”, p.7
  • Men differ daily about things which are subject to sense, is it likely then they should agree about things invisible.

    Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Way to Wealth and Poor Richard's Almanac”, Nayika Publishing
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 1394 quotes from the Founding Father of the United States Benjamin Franklin, starting from January 17, 1706! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Benjamin Franklin quotes about: 4th Of July Abuse Accomplishment Achievement Acting Affairs Age Aging Aids Alcohol Ambition American Revolution Anger Animals Anxiety Appearance Art Atheism Atheist Beauty Beer Being Happy Birds Blindness Books Borrowing Brothers Business Caring Cats Censorship Certainty Change Changing The World Character Charity Cheating Cheers Chess Children Choices Christ Christianity Christmas Church Church And State Civil Liberties Common Sense Conscience Constitution Contentment Cooking Country Courage Criticism Daughters Death Decisions Declaration Of Independence Democracy Desire Diamonds Difficulty Dogs Doubt Dreams Drinking Duty Dying Earth Eating Economics Economy Education Electricity Emotions Enemies Energy Environment Evil Excuses Exercise Experience Eyes Failing Failure Faith Family Fathers Fear Fighting Finance Fitness Flattery Food Forgiveness Free Speech Freedom Freedom And Liberty Freedom Of Speech Friends Friendship Frugality Funny Generosity Genius Get Money Giving Giving Up Goals God Gold Good Morning Goodness Gossip Gratitude Grieving Habits Happiness Happy Hard Work Hate Healing Health Heart Heaven History Honesty Honor Hope Horses House Human Nature Humanity Humility Hunger Hurt Husband Idleness Ignorance Immigration Independence Injury Inspiration Inspirational Inspiring Integrity Jesus Joy Judging Judgment Justice Karma Kindness Knowledge Labor Language Laughter Lawyers Laziness Leadership Learning Libertarianism Liberty Life Loss Love Love Life Lying Making Mistakes Making Money Management Mankind Manners Marriage Mask Math Memories Mistakes Moderation Modesty Mom Money Morality Morning Mothers Motivation Motivational Nature Neighbors Neighbours Nutrition Obedience Office Opinions Opportunity Pain Parents Parties Passion Patience Patriots Peace Perfection Perseverance Persistence Persuasion Philanthropy Philosophy Planning Pleasure Politicians Politics Positive Positive Thinking Positivity Pot Poverty Praise Prayer Prejudice Preparation Pride Prisons Private Property Procrastination Productivity Progress Prohibition Property Property Rights Prosperity Prudence Purpose Quality Rage Rain Reading Reality Rebellion Reincarnation Relationships Religion Religious Freedom Reputation Revelations Revenge Revolution Running Sacrifice Safety Saving Money School Science Security Self Control Self Love Selling Separation Of Church And State Shame Sickness Silence Silver Sin Sincerity Singularity Slavery Slaves Sleep Sloth Soldiers Son Soul Sports Spring Study Success Suffering Take Care Taxes Teachers Teaching Temperance This Day Time Time Management Today Tolerance Trade Truth Tyranny Universe Values Vegetarian Vietnam War Virtue Vision Voting Waiting War Water Wealth Weight Loss Wife Wine Winning Wisdom Wit Work Worry Worship Writing Youth

    Benjamin Franklin

    • Born: January 17, 1706
    • Died: April 17, 1790
    • Occupation: Founding Father of the United States