Crystal Renn Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Crystal Renn's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Fashion Model Crystal Renn's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 42 quotes on this page collected since June 18, 1986! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Crystal Renn: Choices Focus more...
  • I'm very lucky that I have people styling my hair and teaching me how to work with it, but it wasn't always like that. Growing up, I had extremely wavy and thick hair and that can be very overwhelming - you end up with the same ponytail every day.

  • There are moments in your life where you're like I have arrived. I'm here and I'm living and I'm present. And working with Jean Paul Gaultier was one of them.

  • I was anorexic. I was in hell. Now I eat what I want, and I'm still a model. So you see, it works.

  • That's what I stand for, telling people you can be just who you are. It's actually more beautiful.

  • My body has changed and it will continue change in the future — that is natural for anyone. What matters to me most is that even though external change is inevitable, my passion for encouraging women to love themselves at any size and to live, thrive, and to go after their dreams is a part of my permanent nature. Even though my body and mind may evolve through life and experience, my values on this matter have not.

  • I walked into my agency and I said, "You know what? I can't do this. You're telling me I need to go on a diet? My diet is already zucchini only. What do you want me to do?" And basically, they gave me two options: either stay the way I was and do commercial work, or do plus size modeling. I remember having the usual salad but I added walnuts and salmon and olive oil and I thought, "The world didn't blow up!"I felt fantastic. I wanted to keep that feeling so I made a decision that day that I didn't care. There was more money to be made being healthy.

  • Too many of us feel that we have to be perfect, in order to be loved.

    Crystal Renn (2009). “Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves”, p.114, Simon and Schuster
  • We're fighting a stigma: fat. People are really scared of fat. And I think we need to change people's minds and show that you can be bigger and you can be beautiful just as you are. It's about being and loving yourself and once I discovered that, life got much easier.

  • Photoshop is an art, and you can do a lot with it. Change the atmosphere through different lighting and make the pictures look more interesting.

  • I think there's a lot you can learn from everybody; everybody has a story and a strength within them.

  • There's been a lot of focus on my body, but it's taught me to appreciate myself no matter where I am.

  • Enough time had passed that I was ready to write the book Hungry. Was it absolutely difficult? Completely. I had to go back and relive one of the more traumatic things in my life. I destroyed my body for three years and I nearly killed myself for a passion that I had. But I was finally able to close the door on that part of my life. It also allowed me to have a voice. And that's something I've wanted since I was a young girl, to be able to be heard.

  • Anorexia is a disease that happens to people, mostly women and girls, who have obsessive, perfectionist personalities.

  • I absolutely believe that when one goes on vacation, it should be pure decadence.

  • We can always find each other, we girls with secrets.

    Crystal Renn, Marjorie Ingall (2009). “Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves”, p.67, Simon and Schuster
  • No matter what size you are, you must be healthy. I focus on health as a model, whether it's doing yoga, hiking, kickboxing - those things bring me joy.

  • Do I have bad days? Absolutely. But there are ways to overcome these things and that's perhaps what I do differently: I don't allow myself to dwell day after day on my imperfections.

  • You can never go wrong with a nice red lip. I'm not afraid to wear it during the day or basically any time because I wear a lot of black and it's a great backdrop for it.

  • I want to be an actress when I'm on set, not just a model. Those are the moments I live for.

  • We all have demons. I am a human being and I have bad days and I have bad things going on in my head that I have to deal with, but I'm very confident in my recovery.

  • I have to say the thing that I want to do so badly is design a line. I still don't know exactly what direction I want to go but designing a line for full-figured women, offering them a chance to have chic clothing that's maybe a little more daring than the clothing they've been offered in the past, I would like the opportunity to create that for them. I'd also like to break into the beauty industry and be the face of a makeup line. I think for it sends a fantastic message: Here's the face of beauty and look, she's a bigger size.

  • The girls everyone considers the "prettiest" are not always the most interesting or ambitious people.

  • Redken is a brand I've been using since I was a kid, my grandmother introduced it to me, my mother used it, so obviously I was very aware of the brand, so when I heard we were going to meet and potentially do something in the future, I was very excited.

  • We women are a lot more powerful if we see ourselves as fighters on the same side. But it’s easier to judge others - their choices and their bodies - than to think about the struggles we share.

    Crystal Renn (2009). “Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves”, p.223, Simon and Schuster
  • I have no problem with plus-size term because it kind of saved my life; however I don't love that we have to give each other titles. I don't think that there's any reason I should be any different than a size two girl. But I'm not embarrassed of that term. I'm lucky that I have a place where I can model and be healthy.

  • It's so hard to give beauty a meaning. I actually find quite a lot of beauty in really painful things. Really grotesque things. Things that are disturbing. I think as you go and as you see things in the world, your idea of beauty expands and I think I'm lucky because I've been exposed to so many different types of beauty and I've realized that any feeling you cherish is beautiful.

  • I have made a choice to listen to myself even if everyone in the entire world doesn't agree with what I think. I know me, at the end of the day and I know what I can handle emotionally and what I can handle physically.

  • I like to think of myself as a child of the world. I really am based in New York but I find that even though I'm based there, I'm gone more often than not.

  • I just couldn't have people thinking that I only believe thin is beautiful. Thin is beautiful, but it's not the only kind of beautiful. I didn't want people to get the wrong message because of some retouching.

  • Pascal Wager invented the calculator and he also said you can apply mathematics to faith in God so I thought that was pretty interesting.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 42 quotes from the Fashion Model Crystal Renn, starting from June 18, 1986! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Crystal Renn quotes about: Choices Focus