Dale Evans Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Dale Evans's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Singer-songwriter Dale Evans's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 17 quotes on this page collected since October 31, 1912! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • Who cares about the clouds when we're together? Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.

  • Much of the beauty of Christmas lies in its challenge to look further, deeper, until we find its secret in the heart of God. But we never find that unless we look beyond the presents under the tree.

    Roy Rogers, Dale Evans (2012). “A Happy Trails Christmas”, p.14, Baker Books
  • I have studied many religions, many different persuasions of thought in Christian belief, and I have come, in this experience to this: the most important question in anyone's life is the question asked by poor Pilate in Matthew 27:22: 'What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?' No Other question in the whole sweep of human experience is as important as this. It is the choice between life and death, between meaningless existence and life abundant. What will you do with Christ? Accept Him and life, or reject Him and die? What else is there?

  • Happy trails to you, until we meet again.

    "Happy Trails" (song) (1950)
  • Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas.

  • Cowgirl is a spirit, a special brand of courage. The cowgirl faces life head on, lives by her own lights, and makes no excuses. Cowgirls take stands. They speak up. They defend the things they hold dear. A cowgirl might be a rancher, or a barrel racer, or a bull rider, or an actress. But she's just as likely to be a checker at the local Winn Dixie, a full-time mother, a banker, an attorney, or an astronaut.

  • Christmas my child, is love in action...When you love someone, you give to them, as God gives to us. The greatest gift He ever gave was the Person of His Son, sent to us in human form so that we might know what God the Father is really like! Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas.

  • it is not only unfair but disgustingly cruel that the mother is always held responsible for the illegitimate child, while the father goes scot-free.

  • It's the way you ride the trail that counts.

    Roy Rogers, Dale Evans Rogers (1994). “Happy Trails: Our Life Story”
  • Life is not over because you have diabetes. Make the most of what you have, be grateful.

  • Time and experience have taught me a priceless lesson: Any child you take for your own becomes your own if you give of yourself to that child. I have born two children and had seven others by adoption, and they are all my children, equally beloved and precious.

    Dale Evans Rogers (1971). “DALE My Personal Picture Album”
  • Prayer! I couldn't live without it; I would have died a thousand times if it had not been for my chance to talk it over with God, and gain strength in it from him.

  • I lay in the bed at the hospital and said, 'let's see what I have left.' And I could see, I could speak, I could think, I could read. I simply tabulated my blessings, and that gave me a start.

  • If we never had any storms, we couldn't appreciate the sunshine.

  • Every day we live is a priceless gift of God, loaded with possibilities to learn something new, to gain fresh insights.

  • Christmas, my child, is love in action." ~ Dale Evans (1912-2001), American film actress, singer and songwriter. Wife of Roy Rogers.

  • Happy trails to you, until we meet again. Some trails are happy ones, Others are blue. It's the way you ride the trail that counts, Here's a happy one for you.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 17 quotes from the Singer-songwriter Dale Evans, starting from October 31, 1912! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Dale Evans quotes about:

Dale Evans

  • Born: October 31, 1912
  • Died: February 7, 2001
  • Occupation: Singer-songwriter