Ken Keyes Jr. Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Ken Keyes Jr.'s best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Ken Keyes Jr.'s in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 76 quotes on this page collected since January 19, 1921! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Allow yourself emotion-backed demands only for physical necessities such as air to breathe, food if starving, and shelter if freezing.

  • To be right, be willing to admit you are wrong.

  • By tuning in to the ocean of loving energy around you, you can have far more security, enjoyable sensations, effectiveness, and love than you would ever need in order to live a continuously beautiful life.

  • To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have.

  • By tuning in to your minute-to-minute stream of consciousness, you discover the addictions that make you worried, anxious, resentful, uptight, afraid, angry, bored, etc. You thus use every uncomfortable emotion as an opportunity for consciousness growth. Even though you may still be feeling emotional and uptight, you begin to get at the roots of your ups and downs - your brief bits of pleasure and your long periods of unhappiness.

  • How soon will you realize that the only thing you don't have is the direct experience that there's nothing you need that you don't have?

  • Serenity is the end - and serenity is also the means - by which you live effectively.

  • Think of the world as a loving place that is designed to give you everything that you need.

  • I am freeing myself from security, sensation and power addictions that make me try to forcefully control situations in my life and thus destroy my serenity and keeps me from loving myself and others.

  • We've got to convince our egos and our minds that if we want to live happy lives, love is more important than anything else!

  • Love is not a matter of what happens in life. It's a matter of what's happening in your heart.

    Ken Keyes, Jr. (2010). “Three Prescriptions for Happiness”, p.84, Axios Press
  • Love is just a feeling of togetherness and openness in your heart.

    Ken Keyes, Jr. (2010). “Three Prescriptions for Happiness”, p.81, Axios Press
  • There is nothing that you can do to change the present moment. It simply is. You may be able to change the situation one second, one minute, one hour, or one day from now, but there's absolutely nothing you can do to change the way things are right here and now. By not getting irritated you will be more effective in doing what needs to be done to change the situation for the next moment.

  • As the watcher of the screen, you are perfect. The movie that is playing on the screen might be horrendous, but you are not the movie. You are what is watching the movie.

  • I am discovering how my consciousness dominating addictions create my illusory version of the changing world of people and situations around me.

  • I am continually calming the restless scanning of my rational mind in order to perceive the finer energies that enable me to unitively merge with everything around me.

  • Expand your love, your consciousness, and your loving compassion by experiencing everything that everyone does or says as though you had done or said it.

  • Happiness is experienced when your life gives you what you are willing to accept.

  • Watch your own body and mind, and the people and things surrounding you, from the deep, calm place inside of you. When you do that you'll have insights as to what you need to do in order to flow with the river of life around you.

  • By fully tuning in to the now moment in your life, you will discover that you always have enough to enjoy every moment of your life. The only reason you have not been happy every instant is that you have been dominating your consciousness with thoughts about something you don't have- or trying to hold on to something that you do have but which is no longer appropriate in the present flow of your life.

  • I am constantly aware of which of the Seven Centres of Consciousness I am using and I feel my energy, perceptiveness, love and inner peace growing as I open all of the centres of consciousness.

  • The love and peace of higher consciousness flow from just being - and enjoying it all. Anything you do will not be enough unless you feel fulfilled in just being. Usually we are not happy when we find doing whatever it is that we think we have to do. Doing creates expectations that your world and the people around you may or may not fit. The things we do disappear in time. We must learn to appreciate just being alive in the nowness of whatever situation we are in.

  • Even when we get what we addictively want, our wanting to keep things that way automatically creates a new addiction.

  • To see your drama clearly is to be liberated from it.

  • If your washing machine stops working and you're addicted to appliances that work, you'll get upset and you will suffer. If you prefer that your appliances work well, then when your washing machine breaks down you won't compound the problem by superimposing your uncomfortable emotions on the situation.

  • You always have enough to be happy. It's the patterns in your head that make you unhappy.

  • Love everyone unconditionally, including yourself.

    Ken Keyes, Jr. (2010). “Three Prescriptions for Happiness”, p.87, Axios Press
  • The past is dead; The future is imaginary; Happiness can only be in the Eternal Now Moment.

  • I act freely when I am tuned in, centred and loving, but if possible, I avoid acting when I am emotionally upset and depriving myself of the wisdom that flows from love and expanded consciousness.

  • We always have enough to be happy if we are enjoying what we do have.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 76 quotes from the Author Ken Keyes Jr., starting from January 19, 1921! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!