Max De Pree Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Max De Pree's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Max De Pree's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 57 quotes on this page collected since October 28, 1924! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Innovation is the lifeblood of an organization. Knowing how to lead and work with creative people requires knowledge and action that often goes against the typical organizational structure. Protect unusual people from bureaucracy and legalism typical of organizations.

  • The signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers. Are the followers reaching their potential? Are they learning? Serving? Do they achieve the required results? Do they change with grace? Manage conflict?

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
  • The greatest thing is, at any moment, to be willing to give up who we are in order to become all that we can be.

  • We can accomplish more together than we can alone.

  • When things go awry, trust powers the generators until the problem is fixed.

    Max De Pree (1997). “Leading Without Power: Finding Hope in Serving Community”, Jossey-Bass
  • We see a decline of civility, and, sadly, it’s often modeled by the very people from whom we have the least right to expect it.

  • A friend of mine characterizes leaders simply like this: Leaders don't inflict pain. They bear pain.

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
  • Without forgiveness, there can be no real freedom to act within a group.

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
  • Sometimes we think we're a little too gifted to show up, yo uknow. But none of us truly is...By avoiding risk we really risk what's most important in life---reaching toward growth, our potential, and a true contribution to a common good.

  • Leadership is liberating people to do what is required of them in the most effective and humane way possible.

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
  • We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion.

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
  • From a leader's perspective, the most serious betrayal has to do with thwarting human potential, with quenching the spirit, with failing to deal equitably with each other as human beings.

    Max De Pree (2008). “Leadership Jazz - Revised Edition: The Essential Elements of a Great Leader”, p.27, Crown Business
  • We cannot avoid growing old; but we can avoid growing cold.

  • Leaders who keep promises and followers who respond in kind create an opportunity generate enormous energy around their commitment to serve others.

    Max De Pree (1997). “Leading Without Power: Finding Hope in Serving Community”, Jossey-Bass
  • Integrity in all things precedes all else. The open demonstration of integrity is essential.

    Max De Pree (2008). “Leadership Jazz - Revised Edition: The Essential Elements of a Great Leader”, p.7, Crown Business
  • We talk about the quality of product and service. What about the quality of our relationships and the quality of our communications and the quality of our promises to each other?

  • History can't be left to fend for itself. For when it comes to history and beliefs and values, we turn our future on the lathe of the past.

    Max De Pree (2008). “Leadership Jazz - Revised Edition: The Essential Elements of a Great Leader”, p.59, Crown Business
  • In some South Pacific cultures, a speaker holds a conch shell as a symbol of temporary position of authority. Leaders must understand who holds the conch-that is, who should be listened to and when.

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
  • There may be no single thing more important in our efforts to achieve meaningful work and fulfilling relationships than to learn to practice the art of communication.

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
  • The simple act of recognizing diversity in corporate life helps us to connect the great variety of gifts that people bring to the work and service of the corporation.

  • We can go through anything because Jesus goes before us.

  • Leaders don't inflict pain - they share pain.

  • Earning trust is not easy, nor is it cheap, nor does it happen quickly. Earning trust is hard and demanding work. Trust comes only with genuine effort, never with a lick and a promise.

    Max De Pree (1997). “Leading Without Power: Finding Hope in Serving Community”, Jossey-Bass
  • Jazz, like leadership, combines the unpredictability of the future with the gifts of individuals.

    Max De Pree (2008). “Leadership Jazz - Revised Edition: The Essential Elements of a Great Leader”, p.7, Crown Business
  • When we think about the people with whom we work, people on whom we depend, we can see that without each individual, we are not going to go very far as a group. By ourselves, we suffer serious limitations. Together we can be something wonderful.

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
  • Understanding the diversity of our gifts enables us to begin taking the crucial step of trusting each other.

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
  • If you want the best things to happen in corporate life you have to find ways to be hospitable to the unusual person. You don't get innovation as a democratic process. You almost get it as an anti-democratic process. Certainly you get it as an antithetical process, so you have to have an environment where the body of people are really amenable to change and can deal with the conflicts that arise out of change an innovation.

  • In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Change without continuity is chaos. Continuity without change is sloth-and very risky.

  • In most vital organizations, there is a common bond of interdependence, mutual interest, interlocking contributions, and simple joy.

    Max De Pree (1987). “Leadership is an Art”, Doubleday Business
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 57 quotes from the Writer Max De Pree, starting from October 28, 1924! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!