Queen Rania of Jordan Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Queen Rania of Jordan's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Queen Consort of Jordan Queen Rania of Jordan's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since August 31, 1970! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Queen Rania of Jordan: Children Country Culture Values more...
  • Whatever title or office we may be privileged to hold, it is what we do that defines who we are ... Each of us must decide what kind of person we want to be-what kind of legacy that we want to pass on.

    Office   Empowering   May  
  • Learning to read and write changes lives; it means jobs, money, health, and dreams fulfilled.

    "My Visit to South Africa Part 2" by Queen Rania al Abdullah, www.huffingtonpost.com. April 28, 2009.
  • Look at any country that's plagued with poverty, disease or violence; the antidote is girls. Girls are the antibodies to many of society's ills.

    Girl   Country   Looks  
    "Queen Rania: The 21st-Century Queen" by Jackie Spinner, www.glamour.com. November 1, 2010.
  • I'd rather be dealt with as a person than a persona.

  • Religion and modernity are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

    "More Questions with Queen Rania". Q&A, content.time.com. May 11, 2007.
  • Being queen is overrated.

  • In education, technology can be a life-changer, a game changer, for kids who are both in school and out of school. Technology can bring textbooks to life. The Internet can connect students to their peers in other parts of the world. It can bridge the quality gaps.

  • There are so many misperceptions and stereotypes out there that I would love to see clarified one day.

    Source: content.time.com
  • If one girl with courage is a revolution, imagine what feats we can achieve together.

    "A queen's message to girls: More than tiaras and cupcakes". Open Letter by Queen Rania of Jordan, www.cnn.com. June 17, 2013.
  • I really feel that political will is born out of popular will.

    “Good Morning America” with Diane Sawyer, www.arabamerica.com. September 24, 2009.
  • We always say Jordan is not rich in natural resources - we don't have oil or gas like some of our neighbors do - but I think in terms of human resources, we are quite lucky and we are really trying to foster an environment of innovation and technology. I think Jordan will emerge as a center of innovation in the Middle East.

  • I believe that if we want our children to understand the world beyond their classroom, we must bring the world into their classroom.

  • When you educate a girl, you kick-start a cycle of success. It makes economic sense. It makes social sense. It makes moral sense. But, it seems, it's not common sense yet.

  • By its very nature, hard-line ideology is self-serving and self-perpetuating; its primary goal is to survive - and that precludes everything.

    Self   Goal   Lines  
    "The Hard-Line on Grocery Items" by Queen Rania al Abdullah, www.huffingtonpost.com. June 7, 2010.
  • A woman caring for her children; a woman striving to excel in the private sector; a woman partnering with her neighbors to make their street safer; a woman running for office to improve her country - they all have something to offer, and the more our societies empower women, the more we receive in return.

    "A Century of Giving Back" by Queen Rania al Abdullah, www.huffingtonpost.com. March 8, 2011.
  • I don't know if I'd put labels on myself, but I do feel that when women are empowered, they have the power to transform society.

    Source: www.glamour.com
  • Social media are a catalyst for the advancement of everyone's rights. It's where we're reminded that we're all human and all equal. It's where people can find and fight for a cause, global or local, popular or specialized, even when there are hundreds of miles between them.

    Fighting   Rights   Media  
  • Everybody's social life in Jordan revolves around family.

  • Being popular comes when you have everything. But to be liked, it means that you must be treating people with respect and you must be showing kindness toward them.

    Kindness   Mean   People  
    "Queen Rania discusses her new book "The Sandwich Swap" with Oprah". Interview with Oprah Winfrey, www.queenrania.jo. April 23, 2010.
  • My role models are people who can do things; I say to myself, 'I wish I could do that.'

    "The World's Coolest Queen". Interview with Katie Couric, www.glamour.com. January 5, 2010.
  • My position attracts a fair amount of rumors and gossip and misperceptions, but I'd rather not focus on that.

    Gossip   Focus   Rumor  
    Source: content.time.com
  • I don't think people by nature are extremists. You will never find a population of extremists. Extremists have existed throughout the centuries on all religions. And what happens is, extremists start to have more leverage when the situation is bad.

    "Queen Rania to Fareed Zakaria:" We need to build channels of communication"". Interview with Fareed Zakaria, www.queenrania.jo. September 01, 2008.
  • First of all, in many Muslim countries women have incredible amounts of freedom, sometimes more than in some countries in Europe. So you cannot just make a generalized statement about women. Second, Islam is not the problem. It's tradition. It's culture. It's age-old mind-sets that need to be changed.

    Country   Europe   Mind  
    Source: www.glamour.com
  • You cannot kill an ideology with a bullet. You can only kill it with a better idea.

    "Queen Rania: Let’s Drop The First ‘I’ In ISIS. There’s Nothing Islamic About Them" by Kathleen Miles, www.huffingtonpost.com. March 6, 2015.
  • Of course, I tweet. Tweeting is a very personal form of expression. Who else could talk about my son refusing to wear a suit to meet the Pope, my husband flying a helicopter, or take a twitpic from our home?

    Husband   Home   Son  
    Source: techcrunch.com
  • I found that being online has opened a window for me to look into other people's lives... The greatest fear that I have is losing touch.

  • It's about using social media for social change: creating a community of advocates who can use their voices on behalf of the voiceless, or leverage their talents, skills, knowledge, and resources to put more children into classrooms, or pressure their elected representatives to get global education top of the agenda.

    Children   Media   Skills  
    Source: techcrunch.com
  • Values are the shields that you carry throughout life and it protects you from whatever life throws at you.

  • Children keep us in check. Their laughter prevents our hearts from hardening. Their dreams ensure we never lose our drive to make ours a better world. They are the greatest disciplinarians known to mankind.

  • For many, the hijab represents modesty, piety and devotion to God, and I truly respect that. But the hijab should not be used as a means of applying social pressure on people.

    "More Questions with Queen Rania". Q&A, content.time.com. May 11, 2007.
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Queen Rania of Jordan quotes about: Children Country Culture Values

Queen Rania of Jordan

  • Born: August 31, 1970
  • Occupation: Queen Consort of Jordan