Invincible Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Invincible". There are currently 294 quotes in our collection about Invincible. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Invincible!
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  • Death during adolescence feels unfair. We're young. We're invincible. Death is supposed to come with old age. When death breaks into our lives and steals our innocence, its finality leaves us unnaturally older. There are too many elderly young people.

    Elderly   People   Age  
  • I believed I was invincible.

  • Truth always ends by victory; it is not unassailable, but invincible.

  • A good disposition is invincible, if it be genuine.

    Marcus Aurelius (2015). “Meditations”, p.117, Sheba Blake Publishing
  • Everyone has a struggle in life, and the question is do you allow yourself to be overcome by it or do you master it with unified strength and power. This is exactly what the music was meant to do, to transend your normal world, to make you more than what you are, to make you set down your burden for a while. Feel powerful, feel invincible, feel indestructible; believe in something as opposed to believing in nothing; spread the sickness, infect the world.

  • A man who is furnished with arguments from the mint, will convince his antagonist much sooner than one who draws them from reason and philosophy. - Gold is a wonderful clearer of the understanding; it dissipates every doubt and scruple in an instant; accommodates itself to the meanest capacities; silences the loud and clamorous, and cringes over the most obstinate and inflexible. - Philip of Macedon was a man of most invincible reason this way. He refuted by it all the wisdom of Athens; confounded their statesmen; struck their orators dumb; and at length argued them out of all their liberties.

    Wisdom   Philosophy   Men  
  • We have an idea of truth, invincible to all scepticism.

    Blaise Pascal (2015). “Pensees: Thoughts on Religion”, p.120, Letcetera Publishing
  • The self-evident truth which makes men invincible is that inalienably they are inviolable persons.

    Men   Self   Invincible  
    Walter Lippmann (1938). “The good society”, p.375, Transaction Publishers
  • O world, thou choosest not the better part! It is not wisdom to be only wise, And on the inward vision close the eyes, But it is wisdom to believe the heart. Columbus found a world, and had no chart, Save one that faith deciphered in the skies; To trust the soul's invincible surmise Was all his science and his only art.

    Wise   Art   Believe  
    George Santayana (1979). “The complete poems of George Santayana: a critical edition”, Associated Univ Pr
  • Quotation is a method of appropriation which is invincible, I think. It's not a procedure which displeases me, contrary to recycling.

  • If you have never failed at anything, then you haven't been trying hard enough, aren't very imaginative, or have had such extraordinarily good luck that you have come to believe you are invincible.

  • We'd stared into the face of Death, and Death blinked first. You'd think that would make us feel brave and invincible. It didn't.

    Thinking   Brave   Faces  
    Rick Yancey (2013). “The 5th Wave”, p.67, Penguin
  • The five of us walking confidently in a row, I'd never felt cooler. The Great Perhaps was upon us, and we were invincible. The plan may have had faults, but we did not.

    May   Faults   Invincible  
    John Green (2015). “Looking For Alaska Special 10th Anniversary Edition”, p.85, Penguin
  • The army of Truth is the real Invincible Armada. Truths are always destined to be victorious.

    Real   Army   Truth Is  
  • You threw everything away."I bring a hand up to touch her face,to wipe the rain from her eyelashes."Your entire life-your beliefs...Why would you do that for me?" June has never looked more beautiful than she does now,unadorned and honest,vulnerable yet invincible.When lightning streaks over the sky,her dark eyes shine like gold."Because you were right,"she whispers."About all of it.

    Beautiful   Rain   Eye  
  • America has many glories. The last one that she would wish to surrender is the glory of the men who have served her in war. While such devotion lives, the nation is secure. Whatever dangers may threaten from within or without, she can view them calmly. Turning to her veterans, she can say: 'These are our defenders. They are invincible. In them is our safety.'

    War   Men   Views  
    "America and the War". Speech by Calvin Coolidge, 1920.
  • I know sometimes, that all it takes to be invincible, is to know you are such.

  • We have to show what life is really like in ISIS territory, and we have to show them why ISIS is not invincible, by going out and conducting these attacks and publicizing them to those who they recruit.

  • But when women are moved and lend help, when women, who are by nature calm and controlled, give encouragement and applause, when virtuous and knowledgeable women grace the endeavor with their sweet love, then it is invincible.

    "Martí : Thoughts/Pensamientos" edited by Carlos Ripoll, 1994.
  • Indomitable in retreat, invincible in advance; insufferable in victory.

    Winston Churchill (2001). “The Wicked Wit of Winston Churchill”, Michael O'Mara Books
  • I've realized how precious life is. When I was younger, I was more adventurous. I felt invincible. I was game for everything. As a mom, I don't want to get injured because then I can't take care of my kids.

    Mom   Kids   Games  
    "'92 Olympian Yamaguchi balances road, family". Interview with Suzanne Riss, February 23, 2010.
  • All invincible and stuff

    Rick Riordan (2009). “Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian”, p.129, Penguin UK
  • No man is invincible, and therefore no man can fully understand that which would make him invincible

    Men   Invincible  
  • But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail

    Teenage   Alaska   Teens  
    John Green (2008). “Looking for Alaska”, p.161, Penguin
  • That great, mighty current of evolution which is advancing the life of everything in creation is simply invincible - no one can resist it.

    Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1986). “Thirty Years Around the World: 1957-1964”, Stichting Drukkerij En Uitgeverij Mvu
  • Thought impregnated with love becomes invincible. (Charles Haanel)

    Rhonda Byrne (2008). “The Secret”, p.54, Simon and Schuster
  • But I think we were walking around like we were invincible. And maybe that's a bad way to live your life. Because you're not invincible. Nobody is. And maybe now that we've learned that, we'll be better.

  • Soldiers who always remain faithful to their nation, who are always prepared to sacrifice their lives, are invincible.

    Subhas Chandra Bose, Subbier Appadurai Ayer, Sisir Kumar Bose, Sugata Bose (2007). “Netaji Collected Works”
  • O light! This the cry of all the characters of ancient drama brought face to face with their fate. This last resort was ours, too, and I knew it now. In the middle of winter I at last discovered that there was in me an invincible summer.

    Albert Camus (2012). “The Myth of Sisyphus: And Other Essays”, p.202, Vintage
  • I don't feel invincible because I'm human.

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