Near Death Experience Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Near Death Experience". There are currently 33 quotes in our collection about Near Death Experience. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Near Death Experience!
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  • We tend to take a great deal for granted, because you feel like you're going to live forever. It's only if you lose a friend, or maybe have a near-death experience, [that] many events and people in your life suddenly attain real significance.

    Real   People   Forever  
  • I was watching Maury Povich the other day. He had these people on who say that they've had near death experiences. Do you ever notice they always say the same thing? 'I remember seeing this really bright, white light.' It's like, of course, you pinhead, it's the paramedic looking in your pupils with a penlight.

    Light   White   People  
  • After you die, you wear what you are.

  • Someone was trying to kill Lady Alexia Maccon. It was most inconvenient, as she was in a dreadful hurry. Given her previous familiarity with near-death experiences and their comparative frequency with regards to her good self, Alexia should probably have allowed extra time for such a predictable happenstance.

    Gail Carriger (2010). “Blameless: Book 3 of The Parasol Protectorate”, p.24, Hachette UK
  • The dissemination of pseudoscience, including such things as the fascination with near-death experiences and the growing belief by Americans -- 34 percent of them -- in reincarnation are dangerous. They help to break down the standards of reason.

  • I had this crazy, a bit of a near-death experience in Estonia. I had these visions of the future but I was in this state where I felt the past, the present, and the future were all happening at the same time.

  • I feel as though I am trying to describe a three-dimensional experience while living in a two-dimension world. The appropriate words, descriptions, and concepts don't even exist in our current language. I have subsequently read the accounts of other people's near-death experiences and their portrayals of heaven and I am able to see the same limitations in their descriptions and vocabulary that I see in my own.

  • Near-death experiences release a lot of endorphins, resulting in a natural high," Tod whispered. "And it's totally true that one passion feeds another." "You know we're way past 'near-death', right?" "My endorphins aren't listening to you.

    Rachel Vincent (2012). “Before I Wake”, p.134, Harlequin
  • The Soul is a fact, but it is not physical. ... Survivors of near-death experiences attest that some part of them apparently detaches from their physical bodies following the death of the body, but while that is proof of the soul for them, it does not prove it to us. The Soul is like divine music that only God can hear; it is the force of endless resurrection; the soul is like a fire that never goes out.

    Fire   Soul   Doe  
    "Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul". Book by Caroline Myss, 2007.
  • I've always been about setting goals. Then when I had a near death experience at nineteen, it made it even more important to strive to achieve certain things.

    "Adventurer. Storyteller. Host of the Amazing Race". Interview with Zoe Kors, May 25, 2013.
  • I'm a really cautious person, so I don't let myself get into near-death experiences. I'm not into the idea of skydiving or anything.

  • Which is the best religion? [...] The religion that brings you closest to God.

    "My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance At Life". Book by Howard Storm (p. 73), February 15, 2005.
  • When I experience something, I believe it. I almost choked to death when I was a four year old and had a near death experience. I was very upset that I didn't die because it was a lot more interesting out of your body than in it.

  • You look tired." "Yeah," I agreed, and shrugged. "Near-death experiences do that to me . . .

    Tired   Looks   Yeah  
    Stephenie Meyer (2009). “New Moon”, p.223, Hachette UK
  • And I'm the kind of person who does not let inconsequential things like boys and near death experiences stop her.

    Boys   Doe   Kind  
  • What I find more remarkable, however, is how readily many people in our society believe outlandish and unsubstantiated urban myths and conspiracies (Pop Rocks and Coke, JFK assassination, AIDS is man-made, etc.), yet disregard thousands of personal and consistent testimonies of miracles and near-death experiences from people throughout all cultures and religions.

  • Obituaries are like near-death experiences for cowards.

    Austin Kleon (2014). “Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered”, p.27, Workman Publishing
  • Don’t yell at me when I just survived a near-death experience. (Abbie)

  • That is an incredible period I think when you have a near-death experience. You are really understanding that there is a greater self than the physical body, and the cosmic anatomy as I call it is suspended and physical, is almost attached to it but not quite, and you're living in that in-between sphere of apparent reality around you and then the real reality of the infiniteness of it all.

    Real   Thinking   Self  
  • Sometimes a little near death experience helps them put things into perspective.

  • If I lived a billion years more, in my body or yours, there's not a single experience on Earth that could ever be as good as being dead. Nothing.

    Death   Years   Body  
  • Through Heaven's Gate and Back speaks to all of us that have been abused as children. Lee Thornton's descriptions of the aftereffects of repeated trauma and a profound Near-Death Experience (NDE) are not only true but explained in a way that the reader can take in. It is rare to find a book so well written that it has both sexual abuse and an NDE under one cover. We definitely will be recommending this book to our patients.

  • Very often, (in near-death experiences) the person encounters a divine or angelic being. This may be described as Christ, an angel, even God.

    Angel   Encounters   May  
  • I have them a few minutes to absorb everything while I teased Ubie, who only had to recover from his near-death experience. I was so glad Reyes hadn't ripped him to shreds. I liked him much better un-shredded. Unlike, say, my preference for lettuce or heavy metal guitar solos.

    Darynda Jones (2012). “Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet”, p.123, St. Martin's Press
  • As a neurosurgeon, I did not believe in the phenomenon of near-death experiences.

  • Life is a near-death experience.

    George Carlin (2015). “3 x Carlin: An Orgy of George including Brain Droppings, Napalm and Silly Putty, and When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?”, p.198, Hachette UK
  • Heaven comes to people - and their loved ones - when they are dying. It is not uncommon for angels to appear when people are on the edge of death, and people who have had near-death experiences often describe feelings of indescribable peace - Angels.

    Gary Kinnaman (1994). “Angels Dark and Light”
  • I am profoundly moved and persuaded by the near-death experience.

  • One of the near-death experience truths is that each person integrates their near-death experience into their own pre-existing belief system.

    Death   Belief   Truth Is  
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