Northerners Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Northerners". There are currently 19 quotes in our collection about Northerners. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Northerners!
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  • And the relationships that happen become so intense, deep, involved and complex and really hard to say goodbye to. The hardest part of the show is saying goodbye when it's all done. It really breaks you.

    Goodbye   Done   Intense  
  • History has different yardsticks for the cruelty of the Northerners and the cruelty of the Southerners in the Civil War. A slave-owner who through cunning and violence shackles a slave in chains, and a slave who through cunning or violence breaks the chains – let not the contemptible eunuchs tell us that they are equals before a court of morality!

    Leon Trotsky (1968). “Their morals and ours: and , The moralists and sycophants against Marxism”
  • I used to be mouthy. It was all to do with being a northerner and from Manchester, which was suddenly a big deal when I was in my 20s. When I read some of the interviews I did back then, I cringe.

    Interviews   Used   Bigs  
    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Basically there is no difference between whites and blacks, browns and yellows. I decided to think no more of people as Northerners and Southerners.

  • A common misperception of me is... that I am a tough, rough northerner, which I suppose I am really. But I'm pretty mild-mannered most of the time. It's the parts that you play I guess. I don't mind it. I'm not a tough guy. I'd like to act as a fair, easy-going, kind man at some point.

    Men   Kind Man   Play  
    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • I think we typically, as Northerners, stereotype what the South is in so many negative ways. We kind of forget all the beautiful things that they contribute to make this country a country.

  • For most Northerners, Texas is the home of real men. The cowboys, the rednecks, the outspoken self-made right-wing millionaires strike us as either the best or worst examples of American manliness.... The ideal is not an illusion nor is it contemptible, no matter what damage it may have done. Many people who scorn it in conversation want to submit to it in bed. Those who believe machismo reeks of violence alone choose to forget it once stood for honor as well.

    Real   Believe   Home  
    1980 States of Desire: Travels in Gay America, ch.5.
  • Before the thunderous clamor of political debate or war set loose in the world, love insisted on its promise for the possibility of human unity: between men and women, between blacks and whites, northerners and southerners, haves and have-have-nots, self and self.

    War   Men   Self  
  • Where I grew up in the North-east, the community there, and the way people relate to one another, goes very deep. But I don't define myself as a Northerner in that I don't live in the North.

    People   Community   East  
    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • Americans are much more American than they are Northerners, Southerners, Westerners, or Easterners ... California Chinese, Boston Irish, Wisconsin German, yes, Alabama Negroes, have more in common than they have apart ... The American identity is an exact and provable thing.

  • Converting the war into an antislavery crusade was a brilliant move on Lincoln's part, and it resulted in a surge of voluntary recruits into the Union army. But this did not last. Northerners may have disapproved of slavery in the South but, once the bloodletting began in earnest, their willingness to die for that conviction began to wane. [...] Lincoln faced the embarrassing reality that he soon would have no army to carry on the crusade.

    War   Moving   Army  
  • I think that, in comparison, New Yorkers and Northerners are so guarded.

  • Istanbul, a universal beauty where poet and archeologist, diplomat and merchant, princess and sailor, northerner and westerner screams with same admiration. The whole world thinks that this city is the most beautiful place on earth.

    "Constantinople". Book by Edmondo De Amicis, 1877.
  • Southern Kordofan is not a disputed territory. It is, and will remain, in the north, where the Nuba Mountains are. People believe there was a genocide there in 1990s. The Nuba, who are northerners, fought with the south in the north-south war. But they have their own individual interests, and they will remain in the north after the south splits.

    War   Believe   People  
  • Here is my Farm Relief bill: Every time a Southerner plants nothing on his farm but cotton year after year, and the Northerner nothing but wheat or corn, why, take a hammer and hit him twice right between the eyes. You may dent your hammer, but it will do more real good than all the bills you can pass in a year.

    Real   Eye   Years  
    Will Rogers (1978). “Will Rogers' Daily Telegrams”
  • America's most dangerous and threatening black man is the one who has been kept sealed up by the Northerner in the black ghettos - the Northern white power structure's system to keep talking democracy while keeping the black man out of sight somewhere, around the corner.

    Ghetto   Men   Sight  
  • I come from the south, so you're useless and you're a bit pathetic. That's the first thing that the northerners think of you.

    Interview with John Cameron Mitchell, October 31, 2016.
  • For all its enormous range of space, climate, and physical appearance, and for all the internal squabbles, contentions, and strivings, what you northerners never that Texas is so big that you can live your life within its limits and never give a damn about what anyone in Boston or San Francisco thinks.

    Thinking   Texas   Boston  
  • Since the nineteen-fifties, rural Florida has marketed itself to Northerners and Midwesterners as an unexplored paradise of citrus and mermaids.

    "The Strawberry Girls" by Anne Hull, August 11, 2008.
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