Pick Me Up Quotes
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I grew up in the Fifties, and the majority of people in my class had fathers living at home. I was very aware that I was in the minority. I had a foreign name, and my daddy didn't come and pick me up from school. I felt like an outsider, which probably helped me as an actress.
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As for myself, I met with as much success as I ever could have wanted. In other words, I was enthusiastically run-down by every critic of the period.
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If the police ever try to pick me up, Michael Jackson told me I can hide out at his house.
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Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.
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To conquer oneself is the best and noblest victory; to be vanquished by one's own nature is the worst and most ignoble defeat.
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At one point, I didn't get out of bed for, I think, three months, and I went down to the bottom of the hill one day and I had to call somebody to get me to come back up - come pick me up because I couldn't physically walk up the hill.
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Mother would come and pick me up at work and take me wherever I could get a job. Mother didn't trust anybody with me. Usually we'd get home at 3 in the morning.
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As you tumble to the ground, pick me up on your way down.
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Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and you are a success.
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The road to success is not a path you find, but a trail you blaze.
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I haven't gone home with anybody who tried to pick me up in a long time.
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If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results.
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Success makes life easier. It doesn't make living easier.
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Smart, sharp, and hilarious, Slaughterhouse 90210 is the perfect pick-me-up and never-put-me-down book.
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A man has always wanted to lay me down but he never wanted to pick me up.
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You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
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Putting on fierce boots is an instant pick-me-up.
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You pick me up and brush me off and tell me I'm okay, sometimes that's just what we need to get us through the day.
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If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.
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My grandmother used to embarrass me more, when she would pick me up from school wearing a big fuzzy hat. I didn't like that.
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I'm sitting, waiting to get on the freeway, and I'm waiting my ass off. I look over at the side of the road, and there's a hitchhiker with a sign and it says, 'Pick me up, and you can drive in the carpool lane.' I got to tell you, he was kind of smelly, but he was a good conversationalist.
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A burning passion coupled with absolute detachment is the key to all success.
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I went out for a film where they wanted seven brothers and one sister, so I was there for half a day while they were waiting for 'Archie' to read for a boy I've had drivers come to pick me up in England looking for a blond, blue-eyed Scottish boy.
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Life isn't as serious as the mind makes it out to be.
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I love my parents in the way most children would: for having been there at every point in my youth and childhood, ready to pick me up when I fell and support me when I stumbled.
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There were 31 teams that didn't think I was as good as the guys taken off the board. That's no disrespect to the talented players that they are, but I'm confident in my abilities and every time I go out there I want people to wonder why I wasn't on their board and why they didn't try to pick me up.
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I have dogs, and it's no secret that I find reptiles interesting, but the thing about reptiles is that they really just wanna be left alone, and I understand them. It's, 'Don't pick me up, stop holding me, don't look at me, just leave me alone.' I have to admit, sometimes I feel like that.
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Belafonte sent his people to pick me up and I went back and shook his hand, then went back to my little flat. I was very happy to have met a president of the United States - little me!
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George Jessel’s newest pick-me-up which is receiving attention from the town’s paragraphers is called a Bloody Mary: half tomato juice, half vodka.
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I hitchhiked, took trucks 'n' trains - anything that would pick me up. I stopped in Memphis for about six months and they found me and come got me. Stayed about a month an' split again.
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