Pursuit Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Pursuit". There are currently 1589 quotes in our collection about Pursuit. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Pursuit!
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  • Love is not about chasing someone; it's not about being chased or being the one chasing. It's about chasing after dreams and if in that pursuit someone runs parallel to you, that is love.

  • I'd been blindsided with the most painful knowledge: the first man to ever say he loved me had never loved me at all. His passion had been artificial. His pursuit of me had been choreographed.

    Men   Firsts  
    Charlaine Harris (2009). “Sookie Stackhouse 8-copy Boxed Set”, p.1433, Penguin
  • By our uncritical pursuit of relevance we have actually courted irrelevance; by our breathless chase after relevance without a matching committment to faithfulness, we have become not only unfaithful, but irrelevant; by our determined efforts to redefine outselves in ways that are more compelling to the modern world than are faithful to Christ, we have lost not only our identity but our authority and our relevance. Our crying need is to be faithful as well as relevant

  • The meditative angler is not exempt from sensational periods. There are times when all the uncertainty of his chosen pursuit seems to condense itself into one big chance, and stand out before him like a salmon on the top wave of a rapid. He sees his luck hangs by a single strand of gut, and he cannot tell whether it will hold or break. This is the thrilling moment and he never forgets it.

    Henry Van Dyke (2015). “Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things”, p.23, Read Books Ltd
  • No one can obtain felicity by pursuit. This explains why one of the elements of being happy is the feeling that a debt of gratitude is owed, a debt impossible to pay. Now, we do not owe gratitude to ourselves. To be conscious of gratitude is to acknowledge a gift.

  • The chief duty of governments, in so far as they are coercive, is to restrain those who would interfere with the inalienable rights of the individual, among which are the right to life, the right to liberty, the right to the pursuit of happiness and the right to worship God according to the dictates of ones conscience.

    William Jennings Bryan (1917). “Heart to Heart Appeals”
  • I know that if the peace movement takes its message boldly to the Negro people a powerful force can be secured in pursuit of the greatest goal of all mankind. And the same is true of labor and the great democratic sections of our population.

    Powerful   People   Goal  
    Paul Robeson, Philip Sheldon Foner (1978). “Paul Robeson speaks: writings, speeches, interviews, 1918-1974”, Brunner-Routledge
  • This search for happiness can knock us out of sync with God. As the life of Jesus makes clear, keeping in sync with God is about obedience. Any other pursuit will get in the way.

    Franklin Graham (1998). “Living beyond the limits : a life in sync with God”
  • Women have seldom sufficient employment to silence their feelings; a round of little cares, or vain pursuits frittering away all strength of mind and organs, they become naturally only objects of sense.

    Mary Wollstonecraft (2015). “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”, p.92, Booklassic
  • The fruits eaten temperately need not make us ashamed of our appetites, nor interrupt the worthiest pursuits. But put an extra condiment into your dish, and it will poison you.

    Henry David Thoreau (2014). “Citizen Thoreau: Walden, Civil Disobedience, Life Without Principle, Slavery in Massachusetts, A Plea for Captain John Brown”, p.132, Graphic Arts Books
  • True happiness involves the pursuit of worth goals; without dreams, without risks, only a trivial semblance of living can be achieved.

    Dan Buettner (2010). “Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones Way”, p.16, National Geographic Books
  • Happiness is not the endless pursuit of pleasant experiences - that sounds more like a recipe for exhaustion - but a way of being that results from cultivating a benevolent mind, emotional balance, inner freedom, inner peace, and wisdom. Each of these qualities is a skill that can be enhanced through training the mind.

    "Happiness as a Skill" by Matthieu Ricard, www.huffingtonpost.com. June 30, 2017.
  • A line I like to use is, "Every day is training. Every day of life is a pursuit of perfection."

    Interview with Jeremy Berger, www.askmen.com.
  • The history of science is rich in example of the fruitfulness of bringing two sets of techniques, two sets of ideas, developed in separate contexts for the pursuit of new truth, into touch with one another.

    J. Robert Oppenheimer (2013). “Uncommon Sense”, p.75, Springer Science & Business Media
  • At one point, for example, [Donald Trump] argued that he knew much more than military leaders about the pursuit and defeat of ISIS. His assuredness of his own correctness seems also rooted in arrogance reflecting his fundamental insecurity. This insecurity and his belief in his own rightness, when combined with his success at making money, leads him to be self-reliant in his decision-making, which could result in his taking risks with threatening or using nuclear weapons.

    Source: www.counterpunch.org
  • When you master role-playing [gaming], you become immersed in an activity that is peerless among leisure-time pursuits.

  • Man is in pursuit of two goals: he is looking for happinesse and, being by essence empty ("étant vide par essence", Fr.), he is trying to fill (or take up, - "remplir", Fr.) his life; the latter reason play a more considerable role than we ordinarily think. What we take for vainglory, ambition, love of power and riches (or wealth), is often, indeed, a need to mask this emptiness, a need to let one's hair down (or to live it up), to put oneself on a false scent or trail. (de se donner le change", Fr.)

    Ambition   Men  
    "Paroles d'un sage: Choix de pensées d'African Spir" ("Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir") by Hélène Claparède-Spir, (p. 56), 1937.
  • A winner is someone who can look in the mirror at the end of the day and say in pursuit of my goal and dreams I gave my best.

  • The promise of pleasures so alluring that we may devote our lives to their pursuit, and then the haunting realization that these pleasures ultimately do not satisfy.

    Philip Yancey (2001). “The Bible Jesus Read”, p.159, Zondervan
  • Anything that we do to make ourselves feel worthy and safe is a flight from the pain of powerlessness. Every pursuit of external power - every attempt to change the world or a person in order to make yourself feel valuable and safe - is a distraction from the pain of powerlessness.

    "The One Thing That’s Keeping You From The Life You Want" by Gary Zukav, www.huffingtonpost.com. August 21, 2013.
  • Obviously a garden is not the wilderness but an assembly of shapes, most of them living, that owes some share of its composition, it’s appearance, to human design and effort, human conventions and convenience, and the human pursuit of that elusive, indefinable harmony that we call beauty. It has a life of its own, an intricate, willful, secret life, as any gardener knows. It is only the humans in it who think of it as a garden. But a garden is a relationship, which is one of the countless reasons why it is never finished.

  • The main factor in meditation is to keep the mind active in its own pursuit without taking in external impressions or thinking of other matters.

    Sri Ramana Maharshi (1991). “Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi”, p.137, Penguin UK
  • That cotton trade was almost the deal breaker for me. It was at that point that I said, “Mr. Stupid, why risk everything on one trade? Why not make your life a pursuit of happiness rather than pain?

  • Winning Forever is not about the final score; it's about competing and striving to be the best. If you are in this pursuit, then you're already winning.

    Pete Carroll, Yogi Roth, Kristoffer A. Garin (2011). “Win Forever: Live, Work, and Play Like a Champion”, p.39, Penguin
  • The Pursuit of Happiness: It sure seems to like a good chase, doesn't it?

  • The human heart is the first home of democracy. It is where we embrace our questions: Can we be equitable? Can we be generous? Can we listen with our whole beings, not just our minds, and offer our attention rather than our opinion? And do we have enough resolve in our hearts to act courageously, relentlessly, without giving up, trusting our fellow citizens to join us in our determined pursuit-a living democracy?

    Terry Tempest Williams (2010). “The Open Space of Democracy”, p.83, Wipf and Stock Publishers
  • I have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to founts of wisdom and knowledge.

    Igor Stravinsky, Robert Craft (1966). “Themes and episodes”
  • A society person who is enthusiastic about modern painting or Truman Capote is already half a traitor to his class. It is middle-class people who, quite mistakenly, imagine that a lively pursuit of the latest in reading and painting will advance their status in the world.

    Mary McCarthy (2002). “A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays”, New York Review of Books
  • The search for truth can be compared to a cat chasing her tail: frantic in her pursuit, her quarry nevetheless eludes her; despite the fact that all the world can see it's right there, it remains just beyond her reach. It cannot be possessed because, paradoxically, it is already part of her.

  • There are two kinds of intelligence in this world. People who are Monopoly smart and people who are Trivial Pursuit smart... If you're starting your own business, don't even talk to me. But If you need to know who the lead singer of Kajagoogoo is, I'm your guy. His name is Limahl, by the way.

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