Reyes Farrow Quotes
The best sayings about Reyes Farrow that you can share on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and other social networks!
Reyes Farrow. Because perfection is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
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You either fainted or you wanted a much closer look at the cracks in the tile. Either way, you hit hard." "Seriously?" He nodded. "Maybe you shouldn't have been trying to make out with him," he suggested. How did he know that? "I was kissing him good-bye." He snorted and exchanged glances with the nurse. "That's not what it looked like to me." Probably not. But what happened? Could Reyes Farrow take control over me even from a freaking coma? I was doomed.
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How would you like your eggs?" I tried. I really did. But I glanced at his crotch and it came out anyway. "Fertilized?
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What do you want?" "You," he said, his voice lowering an octave. "I want you, Dutch, body and soul. I want you in my bed every night. I want you there when I wake up in the morning. I want your clothes strung across my apartment and your scent on my skin.
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I was just passing by. Saw the commotion. Figured you were involved.
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