Rock N Roll Music Quotes
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We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first, rock 'n' roll or Christianity.
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Punk [rock] seemed like rock 'n' roll music utterly without the music.
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Rock 'n' roll music is what gets me off.
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The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris, blondes and switchblades.
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No change in musical style will survive unless it is accompanied by a change in clothing style. Rock is to dress up to.
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I'm mostly a jazz fan and I've never really been into rock 'n' roll music — although I guess Coldplay isn't really rock 'n' roll — but he's made me a convert. I do go to their concerts whenever we're in the same town and I don't even have to wear earplugs any more, which I did in the beginning.
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I had never done TV. I think it's a foolish medium for, most rock 'n roll music. Nobody ever comes off well on TV.
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I only know two cats in this business that really had it all; Elvis was one of those guys, the other was Ricky Nelson. There was a difference in those two guys though. Elvis moved...Ricky never had to; he stood flat footed and captivated his audience with his good looks. We grew up with him; those who didn't missed something. History books are gonna have to say that he played a big role in Rock 'n' Roll music.... and he did it his way.
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A kid once said to me "Do you get hangovers?" I said, "To get hangovers you have to stop drinking.
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There are many fans of hard rock music that have been wrongly pigeonholed as apathetic. This music is not music for the elitist coffeehouse culture in SoHo. It' s rock 'n' roll music for kids across the land, and I think that makes it much more subversive in a way, in that it has the form and the function of a powerful, populist music, but it can carry very incendiary messages.
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[Rock 'n' roll] music started out with some cat banging a log with a couple of pieces of stick. He sent a message across a river and although the cat on the other side receiving the message didn't know the exact words, he did understand basically something about what was being communicated.
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If you don't know the blues... there's no point in picking up the guitar and playing rock and roll or any other form of popular music.
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Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it.
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Playing rock 'n' roll music, it's going to be integrated, but being black you didn't want to go into some neighborhood where you weren't wanted.
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Aerobics is a really whacked-out way to get going. The loud rock 'n' roll music and the teachers standing before you, doing the exercises and screaming into the microphone, "Go! Go! Go for the burn!"
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We were the chosen rejects. We chose not to be apart of the popular crowd. I mean, I can rember a lot of times the more popular people, the 'jock type' of people who were into sports, and staying clean, and brushing there teeth all the time, they always asked me if I wanted to join their little club, and i decided not to, you know, I would rather hang out with the people who didn't get picked for the baseball team, you know, who smoke cigarettes and listen to rock 'n' roll music.
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Commercial rock 'n' roll music is a brutalization of the stream of contemporary Negro church music an obscene looting of a cultural expression.
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Rock 'n Roll: The most brutal, ugly, desperate, vicious form of expression it has been my misfortune to hear.
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Rock and Roll: Music for the neck downwards.
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Rock and roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can't help but move to it. That's what happens to me. I can't help it.'
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Sending grown-ups up the wall is one of the things adolescence is all about. A few years ago it was done with rock 'n' roll music. Now at least they can do it quietly with a home computer.
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When you sit down and think about what rock 'n' roll music really is, then you have to change that question. Played up-tempo, you call it rock 'n' roll; at a regular tempo, you call it rhythm and blues.
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