Roman Gods Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Roman Gods". There are currently 7 quotes in our collection about Roman Gods. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Roman Gods!
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  • There are many gods which Christians reject. I just believe in one less god then they do. The reasons that you might give for your atheism toward the Roman gods are likely the same reasons I would give for not believing in Jesus.

    God   Christian   Jesus  
  • The thing about playing gods, whether you're playing Thor and Loki or Greco Roman gods or Indian gods or characters in any mythology, the reason that gods were invented was because they were basically larger versions of ourselves.

    Interview with Todd Gilchrist, May 2, 2012.
  • Beauty is no local deity, like the Greek and Roman gods, but omnipresent.

    Beauty   Greek   Deities  
    C. A. Bartol (1855). “Pictures of Europe, Framed in Ideas”, p.36
  • The Roman Empire was fairly tolerant of religious choice as long as you made a point not of thumbing your nose in public at the Roman gods.

    "'Strange Gods' Chronicles The History Of Secularism And Conversion". "Fresh Air" with Terry Gross, February 17, 2016.
  • If we refuse our homage to statues and frigid images, the very counterpart of their dead originals, with which hawks, and mice, and spiders are so well acquainted, does it not merit praise instead of penalty [Christians were punished for not worshiping Roman gods] that we have rejected what we have come to see is error? We cannot surely be made out to injure those whom we are certain are nonentities. What does not exist is in its nonexistence secure from suffering.

  • Why would Roman gods want to date Chinese Canadians?

    Rick Riordan (2011). “The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus Book 2)”, p.95, Penguin UK
  • I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.

    Horse   War   Italian  
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