Vampire Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Vampire". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Vampire. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Vampire!
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  • I have always known that there were spellbinding evil parts for women. For one thing, I was taken at an early age to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Never mind the Protestant work ethic of the dwarfs. Never mind the tedious housework-is-virtuous motif. Never mind the fact that Snow White is a vampire -- anyone who lies in a glass coffin without decaying and then comes to life again must be. The truth is that I was paralysed by the scene in which the evil queen drinks the magic potion and changes her shape. What power, what untold possibilities!

    Queens   Lying   Taken  
    Margaret Atwood (2009). “Curious Pursuits: Occasional Writing”, p.127, Hachette UK
  • The thing I love about vampires that I find so fascinating is that, unlike other sci-fi creations, they aren't monsters from the get-go, they're human beings first... and so what kind of human you are would dictate what kind of vampire you would be.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • When I was filming 'The Haunting Hour', my co-stars Emily Osment, Brittany Curran and I paid a visit to a haunted house - all dressed up as vampires! We really confused the workers.

    Stars   Confused   Ghouls  
  • Twilight' has a supernatural reference to it with werewolves and vampires. 'Harry Potter' has magic. 'The Hunger Games' is about real people put into extreme situations and circumstances.

    Real   Twilight   Games  
  • The most starstruck I've been is when I met Sol Campbell when he was a Tottenham Hotspur player. I don't get starstruck by actors I work with, because you have some sort of relationship with them. Like, I worked with Tom Cruise [on Interview With The Vampire], so if I saw him again I'd speak to him as an actor. Although he might not be interested in talking to me.

  • Over the years all these vampire movies have come out and nobody looks like a vampire anymore.

    Movie   Years   Vampire  
  • Robert Neville looked out over the new people of the earth. He knew he did not belong to them; he knew that, like the vampires, he was anathema and black terror to be destroyed. And, abruptly, the concept came, amusing to him even in his pain. ... Full circle. A new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

    Pain   Circles   People  
    Richard Matheson (1954). “I Am Legend”, Greenwich, Connecticut : Fawcett
  • I'm sorry about the dinner." "Best date ever. Well, until people died and vampires showed up. But before that it was awesome.

    Sorry   People   Vampire  
    Ilona Andrews (2012). “Gunmetal Magic: A Novel in the World of Kate Daniels”, p.271, Penguin
  • I snuck a look to see how Eric was taking this, and he was staring at me the same way the Monroe vampires had. Thoughtful. Hungry. "That's interesting," he said. "I had a psychic once. It was incredible." "Did the psychic think so?

    Charlaine Harris (2001). “Dead Until Dark: A Sookie Stackhouse Novel”, p.84, Penguin
  • And there are vampires, too? Werewolves, warlocks, all that stuff?" Clary gnawed her lower lip. "So I hear." "And you kill them, too?" Simon asked, directing the question to Jace, who had put the stele back in his pocket and was examining his flawless nails for defects. "Only when they've been naughty.

    Cassandra Clare (2012). “Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instruments Series (5 books): City of Bones; City of Ashes; City of Glass; City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls”, p.117, Simon and Schuster
  • Also, vampires don't eat food. You never get to eat chocolate again. Ever. I'd rather die.

    Justine Larbalestier, Sarah Rees Brennan (2012). “Team Human”, p.27, Harper Collins
  • Just because you saw a vampire doesn't mean that a snowman or a Loch Ness Monster also exists.

    Mean   Vampire   Monsters  
  • Little fussy Otto, in his red-lined black opera cloak with pockets for all his gear, his shiny black shoes, his carefully cut widow's peak and, not least, his ridiculous accent that grew thicker or thinner depending on who he was talking to, did not look like a threat. He looked funny, a joke, a music-hall vampire. It had never previously occurred to Vimes that, just possibly, the joke was on other people.

    Cutting   Talking   Shoes  
  • You know when things are bad when you feel guilty for being rude to vampires. Jacob B. Ch.14

    Rude   Vampire   Guilty  
  • Mom and Dad had a lot to answer for, she decided. She couldn’t even be rude to evil vampires who’d caged her boyfriend and were preparing to roast him alive.

    Mom   Dad   Evil  
    Rachel Caine (2010). “The Morganville Vampires:”, p.572, Penguin
  • I walked toward her office,lost in thought about Lish, and poor Steve,and all the other souls I'd sent out of this life,some quite literally. Where did they go?Did Steve go the same place as Lish?And was it vampire Steve ir normal Steve? What exactly happened to the souls when their human bodies died and became vampires?And then when the vampire bodies died?Hello,headache.

    Office   Soul   Vampire  
  • If I let her in I'm doomed. It's like inviting a vampire into your house. Once you've invite them in, that's it, you're good as dead!

    House   Vampire   Doomed  
  • Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm - into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires.

    Eye   Blood   Vampire  
    "New Moon". Book by Stephenie Meyer, September 6, 2006.
  • It's almost as if we each have a vampire inside us. Controlling that beast, that dark side, is what fascinates me.

    Dark   Vampire   Sides  
    Cinefantastique Magazine, November 1998.
  • Becoming a vampire means completely changing your identity.

    Mean   Identity   Vampire  
  • I've always thought vampires were interesting because they live forever, they're always well-financed, they dress well, you know what I mean? And they're, like, cool. Usually vampire - you've never seen a broke vampire. Have you?

    "Michael Ealy On Set Interview UNDERWORLD: AWAKENING". Interview with Steve "Frosty" Weintraub, August 22, 2011.
  • I like the 'Cirque du Freak' books - 'Tunnel of Blood' by Darren Shan. They're set in England. It's about vampires.

    Book   Tunnels   Blood  
    "Jamie Waylett Talks About Being 'Crabbe'". Interview with Marie Morreale,
  • Vampires don't live at all," she points out, "neither do we." She has me there. "Fine, I'll go. But when Kurt leads his minions in a march around the cemetary with our heads on sticks, don't say I didn't warn you.

    Vampire   Sticks   March  
    Cynthia Leitich Smith (2010). “Eternal”, p.19, Candlewick Press
  • You can't trust a vampire, trust me

  • Look, it's easy to outsmart a werewolf or a vampire," Jace said. "They're no smarter than anyone else. But faeries live for hundreds of years and they're as cunning as snakes. They can't lie, but they love to engage in creative truth-telling. They'll find out whatever it is you want most in the world and give it to you—with a sting in the tail of the gift that will make you regret you ever wanted it in the first place." He sighed. "They're not really about helping people. More about harm disguised as help.

    Regret   Lying   Years  
    Cassandra Clare (2012). “Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instruments Series (5 books): City of Bones; City of Ashes; City of Glass; City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls”, p.599, Simon and Schuster
  • Vampires are immortal, you can do whatever you want, and get away with it. And there's the seduction part of course, sex is a big part of the vampire thing.

    Sex   Vampire   Want  
  • I am actually working on The Neighbors sitcom. We are starting from scratch. I am also working on a comedy movie and a vampire movie. I also have the pilot for The Tommy Wiseau Show and of course The House That Drips Blood On Alex, which we are hoping to make a sequel.

    Blood   House   Vampire  
    "The Room. Worst movie ever made?". Tribute Interview, April 18, 2011.
  • Hmph," said Sharon . "Did you know that the numbers three and seven are sacred to vampires? There are seven vampire sects." "Seven sacred sects," I repeated. "Say that three times fast." "How about I spank you instead?" asked Patrick in a benign tone that belied the flare of irritation in his gaze. "Only if you tie me to a bed and use a paddle." His silver eyes went molten. Uh-oh. Me and my big smart-aleck mouth. "I… uh, sorry. I didn't mean that. I saw Secretary a few too many times. I'm impressionable.

    Sorry   Smart   Mean  
    Michele Bardsley (2006). “I'm the Vampire, That's Why”, p.68, Penguin
  • Film spectators are quiet vampires.

    Movie   Vampire   Actors  
    Jim Morrison (1970). “The lords, and The new creatures: poems”
  • …We were born vampires." "I thought you became –" "— vampires by being bitten? Dear me, no. Oh, we can turn people into vampires, it’s an easy technique, but what would be the point? When you eat… now what is it you eat? Oh yes, chocolate… you don’t want to turn it into another Agnes Nitt, do you? Less chocolate to go around." He sighed. "Oh dear, superstition, superstition everywhere we turn.

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