Vida Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Vida". There are currently 16 quotes in our collection about Vida. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Vida!
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  • It is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed.

  • -Nunca dejaría de creer en ti -dijo-. Jamás. Lo que siento por ti...-Se atracó-. Es lo más grande que he sentido en mi vida. [pp.78]

    Jam   Vida  
  • I am human. Like all humans, I do not remember my birth. By the time we wake up to ourselves, we are little children, and our advent is something that happened an eternity ago, at the beginning of time. We live like latecomers to the theater; we must catch up as best we can, divining the begging from the shape of later events. - Vida Winter

    Diane Setterfield (2007). “The Thirteenth Tale: A Novel”, p.357, Simon and Schuster
  • Whoever you hate will end up in your family. You don't like gays? You're gonna have a gay son. You don't like Puerto Ricans? Your daughter's gonna come home with Livin' La Vida Loca!

    Funny   Daughter   Hate  
    "Chris Rock: Bigger & Blacker". TV Special, July 10, 1999.
  • She looks up at me with those vulnerable eyes. “What if it means something?” She asks. “What if it does?” “Promise me it won’t mean anything.” I lean my head back on the couch. “It won’t mean anythin’.” Aren’t I supposed to be the guy in this scenario, laying down the no-commitment rules? “And no tongue,” she adds. “Mi vida, if I kiss you, I guarantee there’s gonna be tongue.

    Mean   Commitment   Eye  
  • You must live life in its very elementary forms. The Mexicans have a very nice word for it: pura vida. It doesn't mean just purity of life, but the raw, stark-naked quality of life. And that's what makes young people more into a filmmaker than academia.

    Life   Nice   Mean  
  • La literatura es la manera más agradable de ignorar la vida.

    Fernando Pessoa (2017). “Toda la gente que conozco”, p.177, Editorial Verbum
  • The tears I gratified him with were fake ones. Ones that set off my green eyes the way diamonds set off emeralds. And it worked. If you dazzled a man with green eyes, he will be so hypnotized that he won’t notice there is someone inside the eyes spying on him. – Vida Winters Page 268

    Eye   Winter   Men  
  • Our lives are so important to us that we tend to think the story of them begins with our birth. First there was nothing, then I was born...Yet that is not so. Human lives are not pieces of string that can be separated out from a knot of others and laid out straight. Families are webs. Impossible to touch one part of it without setting the rest vibrating. Impossible to understand one part without having a sense of the whole. - Vida Winter

    Diane Setterfield (2007). “The Thirteenth Tale: A Novel”, p.58, Simon and Schuster
  • My priorities are: I need to be good; I need to be well within for my children to be well within; and then the creative process flows, organically and smoothly. I'm not looking to experience what I went through in the 'Livin' La Vida Loca' days again.

    "I hated it when people tried to force me to come out" by Kira Cochrane, July 03, 2011.
  • Janet Mock's honest and sometimes searing journey is a rare and important look into la vida liminal, one that she manages to negotiate remarkably well, with grace, humor, and fierce grit. Mock doesn't only redefine what realness means to her, but challenges us to rethink our own perceptions of gender and sexuality, feminism and sisterhood, making this book a transcendent piece of American literature.

    Book   Mean   Journey  
  • Hay algo más tonto en la vida Que llamarse Pablo Neruda? (is there anything more insane in this life than being called Pablo Neruda?)

    Insane   Hay   This Life  
  • Livin' la Vida Loca' is not Latin music. It does not represent Latin music what Jennifer Lopez put out. It's not Latin music. What Enrique Iglesias, it's not Latin music, no? It's Latin artists. There's a Latin artist doing it you could say.

    Latin   Doe   Vida  
    "Latin Music Explosion Celebrated in Latin Grammies". WorldBeat with Serena Yang, September 17, 200.
  • "He sido un hombre afortunado en la vida, nada me ha sido facil." "I've been a fortunate man in life, nothing has come easy"

    Life   Men   Easy  
  • A vida sem luta é um mar morto no centro do organismo universal.

    Mars   Vida   Universal  
    Machado de Assis “Romances de Machado de Assis - Obras Completas [Ilustrado, Notas, Biografia com Análises e Críticas, Resumos e Estudos de Cada Obra] - Dom Casmurro, Brás Cubas, Quincas Borba e outros - Vol. I: Romance”, LL Library
  • We’re days away from going full scale against Malone, and in the meantime, we’re under fire from above. And I’m about as useful as a three-legged dog.” “You’re much more useful than any kind of dog, mi vida.” Marc purred and pressed me into the counter, his hands on my hips. I couldn’t resist a smile. I was a real sucker for Spanish.

    Dog   Real   Fire  
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