Young Ones Quotes

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  • Come warm weather, I'm going to take a kid fishing; I hope you do to. But nothing would make me happier than to look across the cove or down the stream and see a young one help an old one remember what it is like to be young in Springtime.

    Kids   Hunting   Fishing  
    Gene Hill (1985). “A Listening Walk --and Other Stories”, p.109, Academic Learning Company LLC
  • Nothing is rarer than a solitary lie; for lies breed like Surinam toads; you cannot tell one but out it comes with a hundred young ones on its back.

    Lying   Toads   Hundred  
    Washington Allston (1850). “Lectures on Art, and Poems”, p.173
  • Two remarkable men -- one young, one old -- fuel each other's spirits in the beautiful documentary Keep On Keepin' On.

    Beautiful   Men   Two  
  • This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence.

    "The Young Ones". TV series, 1982 - 1984.
  • I think at one point, a whole new younger generation of critics come in and they're really aware of zeitgeist in their group, and the older artists tend to get forgotten as their critics retire and do other things or stop paying attention. So there's a factor of aging that I think is to be considered, too. As a middle-aged artist, you kind of get put on a shelf for the young ones.

  • I usually try to connect with young filmmakers over the phone so I can hear them and just pick their brain as to why they want to tell the story. And usually, I'm on board. I go, "Yeah, I'd love to help. And I just need to know why you want to do this,' and it's usually an easy process because a filmmaker usually reveals his or her heart in telling the story. And that's why I'm pretty much of a softy when it comes to helping along the young ones along the way.

    Heart   Brain   Trying  
  • It's mainly about working hard and proving to people you're serious about it, and stretching yourself and learning. The mistake a lot of actors make, particularly young ones, is allowing themselves to feel that they're the finished articles, the bee's knees, and it's not true.

    Work   Mistake   People  
  • Men don't fall in love with me - only young ones.

  • When one is young, one venerates and despises without that art of nuances which constitutes the best gain of life.

    Art   Gains   Nuance  
    Friedrich Nietzsche (2009). “Basic Writings of Nietzsche”, p.233, Modern Library
  • That's usually how they start, the young ones. Meaningless waffle.

    Jonathan Stroud (2003). “Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book One: Amulet of Samarkand, The (International Edition)”, Disney-Hyperion
  • Anyplace of work where you have a cross section of work, you have mini-ecosystem. A little representation of what the planet is. You have the Alpha Dog. You have the young ones, the old ones. The pissed off one. The quiet one.

  • There is no one who is without faults, and who is not in some way a burden to others, whether he is a superior or a subject, an old man or a young one, a scholar or a dunce.

    Men   Saint   Way  
  • This is what comes of having a heart, even a very small and young one. It causes no end of trouble, and that’s the truth.

    Heart   Causes   Trouble  
    Catherynne M. Valente (2012). “The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There”, p.304, Macmillan
  • We come unbidden into this life, and if we are lucky we find a purpose beyond starvation, misery, and early death which, lest we forget, is the common lot. I grew up and I found my purpose and it was to become a physician. My intent wasn't to save the world as much as to heal myself. Few doctors will admit this, certainly not young ones, but subconsciously, in entering the profession, we must believe that ministering to others will heal our woundedness. And it can. but it can also deepen the wound.

  • When mother-cow is chewing grass its young ones watch its mouth

    Mother   Watches   Mouths  
    Chinua Achebe (2009). “Things Fall Apart: Authoritative Text, Contexts and Criticism”, W W Norton & Company Incorporated
  • Coming through the years, and finding that I not only have just the fans of my day, but the young ones of today - that's what it means, it means it was worth all of it.

    Mean   Years   Fans  
  • There is an apprenticeship system in jazz. You teach the young ones. So even if the musicians weren't personally that likable, they felt an obligation to help the younger musicians.

    Musician   Helping   Jazz  
  • You can lead a truly spiritual life while remaining a householder. You will be able to enjoy the bliss of the Self, but your mind has to be on God all the time. Then you can easily attain bliss. A mother bird will be thinking of the young ones in the nest, even when she is out looking for food. Similarly, you have to keep your mind on God, while engaged in all worldly actions. The important thing is to be completely dedicated to God or the Guru. Once you have that dedication, the goal will not be far away.

  • The great thing about being 30 is that there are a great deal more available women. The young ones look younger and the old ones don't look nearly as old.

    Looks   Aging   Young  
  • Older people have formed their opinions about everything, and don't waver before they act. It's twice as hard for us young ones to hold our ground, and maintain our opinions, in a time when all ideals are being shattered and destroyed, when people are showing their worst side, and do not know whether to believe in truth and right and God.

    Believe   People   Sides  
    Anne Frank (2017). “The Diary of a Young Girl”, p.214, Diamond Pocket Books Pvt Ltd
  • I was warned the camels can be nasty, especially the young ones. I was warned to give it a wide berth.

    Giving   Camels   Nasty  
  • I can't advise any of the young ones, because I don't know what their background was, but I would suggest that anyone who wants to be famous more than anything - there's a problem.

    Real   Want   Problem  
    "Shirley MacLaine: the new dame in Downton". Interview with Emma Brockes, August 24, 2012.
  • Let me give you a hint, young ones, what it is you will become as you grow. What things make you cry, what things bring you pain, what things hurt you now, what things threaten your peace; what things you fear, what things bring you rage. It will be the opposite of these that you will become if you chose to accept your weakness, embrace the Son and simply grow.

    Hurt   Pain   Son  
  • It sounds to me, young one," Haddek said, "that you are searching for something that cannot be found." "The truth?" Sazed said. "No," Haddek replied. "A religion that requires no faith of its believers.

    Sound   Found   Said  
    Brandon Sanderson (2008). “The Hero of Ages: Book Three of Mistborn”, p.623, Macmillan
  • The roots of the aged palm tree exceed those of the young one; the old have a greater attachment to the world.

    Roots   Attachment   Tree  
  • When I was very young, one of my favourite books was Captain's Courageous and I suppose one of the reasons I loved it, it was a life I knew I should have had, learning all the different bits of the ship and learning to catch fish and rig sails and to -all the things that I never learned and I never learned the discipline, but I hungered after it.

    "Clive James: life through the prism of illness". "PM" with Mark Colvin, August 21, 2015.
  • I have read countless comics books while listening to hip hop, and as a young one, I wasted countless hours practicing nunchuks to Schoolly D's "Saturday Night." I would give anything for a video of that.

    Book   Night   Giving  
    "Marvel Exclusive: See 5 New Hip Hop Comic Book Covers". Interview with Zach Dionne, October 8, 2015.
  • Oh! If those selfish men, who are the cause of all one's misery, only knew what their poor slaves go through! What suffering, what humiliation to the delicate feelings of a poor woman, above all a young one, especially with those nasty doctors.

    Selfish   Men   Doctors  
  • I don't dislike babies, though I think very young ones rather disgusting.

    Baby   Thinking   Young  
  • I live on the limit, Vyvyan. The limit, because I'm a rider at the gates of dawn and I take no prisoners!

    Dawn   Limits   Riders  
    "Fictional character: Rick". "The Young Ones" (TV Series), 1982–1984.
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