Youth Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Youth". There are currently 3536 quotes in our collection about Youth. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Youth!
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  • Most poets in their youth begin in adolescent sadness. I find it more rewarding to end in gladness.

  • It is work, work that one delights in, that is the surest guarantor of happiness. But even here it is a work that has to be earned by labor in one's earlier years. One should labor so hard in youth that everything one does subsequently is easy by comparison.

    Ashley Montagu (1967). “The American way of LIfe”
  • In the central place of every heart, there is a recording chamber; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer and courage, you are young.

  • It has always been a source of serious reflection and sincere regret with me that the youth of the United States should be sent to foreign countries for the purpose of education. Although there are many who escape the danger of contracting principles unfavorable to republican governments, yet we ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds from being too strongly and too early prejudiced in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own.

    George Washington, Jared Sparks (1840). “The Writings of George Washington: pt. IV. Letters official and private, from the beginning of his presidency to the end of his life: (v. 10) May, 1789-November, 1794. (v. 11) November, 1794-December, 1799”, p.14
  • Youth means love, Vows can't change nature, priests are only men.

    Men   Youth  
    'The Ring and the Book' (1868-9) bk. 1, l. 1056
  • Our nation is filled with tremendous energy of the youth. Whatever future we desire of, we must keep the youth at the centre. If we do this, we can surge ahead at an unmatchable pace!

  • He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man. He that is more than a youth is not for me, and he that is less than a man, I am not for him.

    Men   Youth  
    William Shakespeare (1833). “The plays and poems of William Shakspeare”, p.107
  • Ah, sunflower, weary of time, Who countest the steps of the sun, Seeking after that sweet golden clime Where the traveller's journey is done; Where the youth pined away with desire And the pale virgin shrouded in snow Arise from their graves, and aspire Where my sunflower wishes to go.

    'Songs of Experience' (1794) 'Ah, Sun-flower!'
  • Social networking is playing a huge role in creating awareness and mobilizing support for all kinds of common interests. What better way to use this remarkable tool than to change the world?

  • Age has been the perfect fire extinguisher for flaming youth.

  • I hate it when women fight aging with plastic surgery or fashion choices. There's this arrogant youth worship in our society.

    "Church's Doctrine". Interview with Andrew Goldman, May 23, 2007.
  • I didn't realize then that so much of being adult is reconciling ourselves with the awkwardness and strangeness of our own feelings. Youth is the time of life lived for some imaginary audience

    Feelings   Youth  
  • While I was rapping I was always involved in youth work - I ran music workshops for teenagers and young offenders all the time and also ran a charity for refugee kids for a time.

  • I am not and will never again be a young writer, a young homeowner, a young teacher. I was never a young wife. The only thing I could do now for which my youth would be a truly notable feature would be to die. If I died now, I'd die young. Everything else, I'm doing middle-aged.

    Meghan Daum (2014). “The Unspeakable: And Other Subjects of Discussion”, p.83, Macmillan
  • Let the American youth never forget, that they possess a noble inheritance, bought by the toils, and sufferings, and blood of their ancestors; and capacity, if wisely improved, and faithfully guarded, of transmitting to their latest posterity all the substantial blessings of life, the peaceful enjoyment of liberty, property, religion, and independence.

  • What has changed about an entire generation of young people includes not only neoliberal society's disinvestment in youth and the lasting fate of downward mobility, but also the fact that youth live in a commercially carpet-bombed and commodified environment that is unlike anything experienced by those of previous generations. Nothing has prepared this generation for the inhospitable and savage new world of commodification, privatization, joblessness, frustrated hopes and stillborn projects.

  • The fountain of youth for me, let’s see…I guess it’s exercise, healthy diet, lots of water, lots of laughter, lots of sex — yes, sex, we need that as human beings. It’s healthy, it’s natural, it’s what we are here to do!

    "Cameron Diaz: 'Lots of Sex' Is My 'Fountain of Youth'". U.K Vogue Interview, June 2, 2010.
  • For passion, be it observed, brings insight with it; it can give a sort of intelligence to simpletons, fools, and idiots, especially during youth.

    "'Les Célibataires' ('A Bachelor's Establishment')". Book by Honoré de Balzac, 1842.
  • For God's sake give me the young man who has brains enough to make a fool of himself!

    Virginibus Puerisque "Crabbed Age and Youth" (1881)
  • When you see the way things deteriorate before your very eyes. Everything running down hill. It's kind of silly to even think about youth.

    Sam Shepard (2009). “Buried Child”, p.99, Vintage
  • There is but one soul throughout the universe, all is but one existence - "Thou art in the woman, thou in the man, thou in the young man walking in the pride of youth, thou in the old man tottering on his stick - thou art All - in all, in everything, and I am thee, because I am made from thee."

  • Gangs are a group reaction to helplessness.

  • Socrates said, our only knowledge was "To know that nothing could be known;" a pleasant Science enough, which levels to an ass Each Man of Wisdom, future, past, or present. Newton, (that Proverb of the Mind,) alas! Declared, with all his grand discoveries recent, That he himself felt only "like a youth Picking up shells by the great Ocean-Truth."

    Past   Men  
    Lord Byron (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Lord Byron (Illustrated)”, p.2079, Delphi Classics
  • Every night on the stop global warming college tour, Laurie and I would tell these great young people that they have the power to do anything they want. That we all have the power to create a movement for change. That the best part of ourselves is the part that rises up instinctively from compassion.

    "On Deception, Spin, and Losing Our Way" by Sheryl Crow, May 4, 2007.
  • Today in America vast concourses of youth are flocking to our colleges, eager for something, just what they do not know.

    Learned Hand (1959). “The Spirit of Liberty: Papers and Addresses”
  • There was certainly nothing really sexual about my youth growing up, simply because the fact remains if you're the fat kid in a school and I was the only fat black kid in the school - in fact, I was the only black kid in the school - but if you are kind of ostracized on many different levels in your school the last thing you're worried about is sex.

    Interview with Max Miller, October 7, 2010.
  • I was amazed by the fact that I was not the only writer living, not the only young man "with a locomotive in his chest, and that's a fact," not the only youth with a million hungers and not one of them appeasable, not the only one who is lonely among multitudes, and does not know why.

    Jack Kerouac (2000). “Atop an Underwood: Early Stories and Other Writings”, p.92, Penguin
  • Youth must be the worst time in anybody's life. Everything's happening for the first time, which means that sorrow, then, lasts forever. Later, you can see that there was something very beautiful in it. That's because you ain't got to go through it no more.

  • We have thought that because children are young they are silly. We have forgotten the blind stirrings, the reaching outward of our own youth.

    Children   Youth  
    Mabel Louise Robinson (1922). “Writing for Young People”
  • I used to go with him and I'd sometimes play, take over from him. That was my first taste of the music business, I suppose, but I was also in the youth orchestra at Johnston Grammar.

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