Alexander MacLaren Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Alexander MacLaren's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Alexander MacLaren's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 121 quotes on this page collected since February 11, 1826! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • True peace comes not from the absence of trouble, but from the presence of God and will be deep and passing all understanding in the exact measure in which we live in and partake of the love of God.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • The mystery of the universe, and the meaning of God's world, are shrouded in hopeless obscurity, until we learn to feel that all laws suppose a lawgiver, and that all working involves a Divine energy.

    Alexander Maclaren (1871). “Sermons Preached in Manchester: First series”, p.183
  • The grace of God, says Luther, "is like a flying summer shower." It has fallen upon more than one land, and passed on. Judea had it, and lies barren and dry. These Asiatic coasts had it, and flung it away.

    Alexander Maclaren (1910). “The Epistles of John, Jude, and the Book of Revelation”
  • Man's course begins in a garden, but it ends in a city.

    Alexander Maclaren (1902). “The Secret of Power: And Other Sermons”
  • My child, wilt thou not at this time cry unto me, 'Abba, Father?'

    "Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers" by Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, (p. 228), 1895.
  • There is no long interval between the sense of thirst and the trickling of the stream over the parched lip; but ever it is flowing, flowing past us, and the desire is but the opening of the lips to receive the limpid, and life-giving waters. No one ever desired the grace of God, really and truly desired it, but just in proportion as he desired it, he got it; just in proportion as he thirsted, he was satisfied.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • No man loveth God except the man who has first learned that God loves him.

    Alexander Maclaren (1871). “Sermons Preached in Manchester: First series”, p.190
  • In such a world as this, with such hearts as ours, weakness is wickedness in the long run. Whoever lets himself be shaped and guided by any thing lower than an inflexible will, fixed in obedience to God, will in the end be shaped into a deformity, and guided to wreck and ruin

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • True faith, by a mighty effort of the will, fixes its gaze on our Divine Helper, and there finds it possible and wise to lose its fears. It is madness to say, "I will not be afraid; "it is wisdom and peace to say, "I will trust and not be afraid.

    Alexander Maclaren (1877). “Week-day evening addresses, delivered in Manchester”
  • You cannot put patience and experience into a parenthesis, and, omitting them, bring hope out of tribulation.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • Seek to cultivate a buoyant, joyous sense of the crowded kindnesses of God in your daily life.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • All things and all acts and this whole wonderful universe proclaim to us the Lord our Father, Christ our love, Christ our hope, our portion, and our joy. Oh, brethren, if you would know the meaning of the world, read Christ in it. If you would see the beauty of earth, take it for a prophet of something higher than itself.

    Alexander Maclaren (1859). “Sermons preached in Union chapel, Manchester”, p.22
  • Ah, my brother, it is a far harder thing, and it is afar higher proof of a thorough-going, persistent, Christian principle woven into the very texture of my soul, to go on plodding and patient, never taken by surprise by any small temptation, than to gather into myself the strength which God has given me, and, expecting some great storm to come down upon me, to stand fast, and let it rage. It is a great deal easier to die once for Christ than to live always for Him.

    "Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers" by Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, (p. 109), 1895.
  • As in mysterious and transcendent union the Divine takes into itself the human in the person of Jesus, and eternity is blended with time; we, trusting Him, and yielding our hearts to Him, receive into our poor lives an incorruptible seed, and for us the soul-satisfying realities that abide forever mingle with and are reached through the shadows that pass away.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • Kindness does not require us to be blind to facts or to live in fancies, but it does require us to cherish a habit of goodwill, ready to show pity if sorrow appears, and slow to turn away even if hostility appears.

  • Brethren, understand that the gospel is a gospel which brings a present salvation; and try to feel that it is not presumption, but simply out of the very fundamental principle of it, when you are not afraid to say, "I know that my Redeemer is yonder, and I know that He loves me.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • If faith, then new birth; if new birth, then sonship; if sonship, then "an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ." But if you have not got your foot upon the lowest round of the ladder, you will never come within sight of the blessed face of Him who stands at the top of it, and who looks down to you at this moment, saying to you, "My child, wilt thou not at this time cry unto me, 'Abba, Father?

    Alexander Maclaren (1859). “Sermons preached in Union chapel, Manchester”, p.83
  • The vision of the Divine presence ever takes the form which our circumstances most require.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • He that has his trust set upon God does not need to dread anything except the weakening or the paralyzing of that trust.

    Alexander Maclaren (1905). “Triumphant Certainties: And Other Sermons”
  • The cross is the centre of the world's history; the incarnation of Christ and the crucifiction of our Lord are the pivot round which all the events of the ages revolve. The testimony of Christ was the spirit of prophecy, and the growing power of Jesus is the spirit of history

    Alexander Maclaren (1871). “Sermons Preached in Manchester: First series”, p.185
  • We must have Christ in our hearts, that He may shine forth from our lives.

    Matthew Henry, George Whitefield, Alexander MacLaren (2001). “Classic Sermon Outlines”, p.237, Hendrickson Publishers
  • Given a man full of faith, you will have a man tenacious in purpose, absorbed in one grand object, simple in his motives, in whom selfishness has been driven out by the power of a mightier love, and indolence stirred into unwearied energy.

    Alexander Maclaren (1902). “The Secret of Power: And Other Sermons”
  • Trust Christ! and a great benediction of tranquil repose comes down upon the calm mind and the tranquil heart.

    "Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers" by Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, (p. 589), 1895.
  • I am satisfied, for I awake in Thy likeness.

    Alexander Maclaren (1906). “Expositions of Holy Scripture”, p.697, CCEL
  • Every life has dark tracts and long stretches of somber tint, and no representation is true to fact which dips its pencil only in light, and flings no shadows on the canvas.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • Here is the manliness of manhood, that a man has a good reason for what he does, and has a will in doing it.

    Alexander Maclaren (1871). “Sermons Preached in Manchester: First series”, p.296
  • The apostolic church thought more about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ than about death and heaven. The early Christians were looking, not for a cleft in the ground called a grave but for a cleavage in the sky called Glory.

  • A living man must have a living God, or his soul will perish in the midst of earthly plenty, and will thirst and die whilst the water of earthly delights is running all around him. We are made to need persons not things.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • Fruitful and acceptable worship begins before it begins.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
  • The never-ceasing boom of the great ocean as it breaks on the beach, drowns all smaller sounds.

    Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
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