Authors starting with „G“
Here you will find quotes from all authors whose name begins with the letter "G" – please review and enjoy!
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Recently Updated 'G' Authors
Georg Ganswein Chaplain
Gyorgy Konrad Novelist
Greg Nickels Former Mayor of Seattle
Gustavo Dudamel Conductor
Gillian Wearing Artist
George Gamow Physicist
George Brown, Jr. American Politician
Gary Delaney Stand-up comedian
Graeme Murphy Choreographer
Gregory Millman Journalist
George Saintsbury Writer
Glenn Greenwald Journalist
Gal Gadot Film actress
Glenn Healy Ice hockey player
Gino Vannelli Singer
Glenn Gould Pianist
Gary Shilling Economist
Gerald Priestland Correspondent
George Haven Putnam Author
Giuseppe Andrews Film actor
George Gregan Rugby player
George Brandis Australian Senator
G.W. Bailey Television actor
Gregg Boddy Ice hockey player
Gaylord Nelson Former United States Senator
Gilbert Parker Novelist
Glen Drake Actor
Gerhard Berger Formula One driver
Guy Deutscher Linguist
George Koltanowski Chess Player
Georgie Anne Geyer Journalist
George Wein Promoter
George Whyte-Melville Novelist
Geert Hofstede Social Psychologist
Georgia Groome Actress