Authors starting with „J“
Here you will find quotes from all authors whose name begins with the letter "J" – please review and enjoy!
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Recently Updated 'J' Authors
Johnnetta B. Cole Anthropologist
Jean-Claude Duvalier Former President of Haiti
Joan Ruddock British Politician
Joey Cheek Speed Skater
Jairek Robbins Motivational speaker
Jessica Walter Actress
Jonathan M. Wainwright General
Judith Anderson Film actress
Judah Halevi Poet
James Reston Journalist
Jennifer Ellison Actress
Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin Publisher
Judah P. Benjamin Former United States Senator
John Braine Novelist
Justine Thornton Barrister
John Carmack Programmer
Jessica McNamee Film actress
John Kluge Entrepreneur
Jared Polis United States Representative
Jay Electronica Hip-hop artist
John Barnes Author
James Augustus St. John Author
Jesse Torrey Author
Jimmy Smits Actor
John Harvey Kellogg Medical Doctor
James Arness Actor
John Peel Disc jockey
John Perkins Author
John Ramsay magic
Jay R. Ferguson Actor
John Churton Collins Literary critic
Josie Ho Singer
Jim Gilliam Baseball player
John Steele Gordon Columnist
Joan Erikson Psychologist
Jaida Jones Author