Authors starting with „S“
Here you will find quotes from all authors whose name begins with the letter "S" – please review and enjoy!
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Seno Gumira Ajidarma Author
Seimone Augustus Basketball player
Sherman Douglas Basketball player
Susan Fenimore Cooper Writer
Susan Edmonstone Ferrier Novelist
Stella Maeve Film actress
Sibel Edmonds Translator
Susan Campbell Bartoletti Writer
Santiago Ramon y Cajal Pathologist
Steven Rinella Writer
Scott Kahn Artist
Susanna Tamaro Novelist
Sylvester Croom American Football coach
Steven Soderbergh Film Producer
Sangeeta N. Bhatia Professor
Sean Michael Wilson Writer
Shaka Smart Basketball Coach
Steven Bauer Actor
Stephanie Leonidas Actress
Savitri Devi Activist
Sylvia Poggioli Reporter
Susan Choi Novelist
Samuel Pisar Lawyer
Sam Francis Painter
Sylvia Robinson Singer
Shia LaBeouf Actor
Steven Curtis Chapman Singer-songwriter
Sarah Helen Whitman Poet
Shay Mitchell Actress
Sara Benincasa Comedian
Simeon Denis Poisson Mathematician
Simon Le Bon Musician
Sally Gardner Writer
Stephen Kellogg Songwriter
Soman Chainani Writer
Scott McNealy Businessman