Jeanette Winterson Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Jeanette Winterson's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Jeanette Winterson's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 563 quotes on this page collected since August 27, 1959! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Anything outside marriage seems like freedom and excitement.

    "Redemption songs" by Maya Jaggi, May 28, 22004.
  • With animal behavior, they're all fine until you introduce some rogue element into the cage, and then they go crazy.

  • You cannot disown what is yours. Flung out, there is always the return, the reckoning, the revenge, perhaps the reconciliation. There is always the return.

  • Today we are all speeding under the golden arms of the arches into our city, into our lives, into the world that is a stream of information, ceaselessly collected and projected.

  • In the heat of her hands I thought, This is the campfire that mocks the sun.

    Jeanette Winterson (2013). “Written On The Body”, p.51, Random House
  • There are times when it will go so wrong that you will barely be alive, and times when you realise that being barely alive, on your own terms, is better than living a bloated half-life on someone else's terms.

  • Nothing can be forgotten. Nothing can be lost. The universe itself is one vast memory system. Look back and you will find the beginnings of the world.

    Jeanette Winterson (2006). “Lighthousekeeping”, p.176, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • In this life you have to be your own hero. By that I mean you have to win whatever it is that matters to you by your own strength and in your own way. Like it or not, you are alone in a forest, just like all those fairy tales that begin with a hero who’s usually stupid but somehow brave, or who might be clever, but weak as a straw, and away he goes (don’t worry about the gender), cheered on by nobody, via the castles and the bears, and the old witch and the enchanted stream, and by and by (we hope) he’ll find the treasure.

    Jeanette Winterson (2013). “The Powerbook”, p.155, Random House
  • Loneliness isn't about being by yourself. That's fine, right and good, desirable in many ways. Loneliness is about finding a landing-place, or not, and knowing that, whatever you do, you can go back there. The opposite of loneliness isn't company, it's return. A place to return.

  • It is silence that most needs an answering -- when I can no longer speak, hear me.

  • I was the place where you anchored. I was the deep water where you could be weightless. I was the surface where you saw your own reflection. You scooped me up in your hands.

  • We bury things so deep we no longer remember there was anything to bury. Our bodies remember. Our neurotic states remember. But we don't.

    Jeanette Winterson (2011). “Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?”, p.162, Random House
  • Of course that is not the whole story, but that is the way with stories; we make them what we will. It's a way of explaining the universe while leaving the universe unexplained, it's a way of keeping it all alive, not boxing it into time.

    Jeanette Winterson (2007). “Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit”, p.93, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
  • Creativity is on the side of health - it isn't the thing that drives us mad; it is the capacity in us that tries to save us from madness.

  • Books, for me, are a home. Books don’t make a home – they are one, in the sense that just as you do with a door, you open a book, and you go inside. Inside there is a different kind of time and a different kind of space.

  • Creative work is incredibly difficult, and that is where the tests lie. Ordinary professionalism and twenty years' experience can accomplish a lot, but it can't access the hidden places. That still needs what it always needs - a condition of complete simplicity, costing not less than everything.

  • Gambling is not a vice, it is an expression of our humanness. We gamble. Some do it at the gaming table, some do not. You play, you win, you play, you lose. You play.

    Jeanette Winterson (2007). “The Passion”, p.73, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
  • It is helpful for a woman artist not to have a husband.

    "Redemption songs" by Maya Jaggi, May 28, 2004.
  • Every moment you steal from the present is a moment you've lost forever. There is only now.

  • Great control and great discipline are necessary when you reach your own editing stage of the book, but in the early stages you have to be prepared to let anything happen and to get it wrong or go off track. The development of a character is not smooth or simple - it is as tricky as meeting someone new whom you would like to know better.

  • I fell in love once, if love be that cruelty which takes us straight to the gates of Paradise only to remind us they are closed for ever.

    Jeanette Winterson (2007). “Sexing the Cherry”, p.33, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
  • I like the way the morning can be stormy and the afternoon clear and sparkly as a jewel in the water. Put your hand in the water to reach for a sea urchin or a sea shell, and the thing desired never quite lies where you had lined it up to be. The same is true of love. In prospect or contemplation, love is where it seems to be. Reach in to lift it out and your hand misses

  • As people get older they have these rigid patterns that they impose on themselves, and it kills them. They become dull, they become dead to new experience, they become afraid, biased, and bigoted. It's really simply to do with refusing new experience.

  • Why is the measure of love loss?

    Jeanette Winterson (2013). “Art Objects: Essays on Ecstasy and Effrontery”, p.111, Random House
  • Literature offers us all, writers and readers, the best method of discovering and retelling the changing story of ourselves. The story is both journey and surprise. And as everyone knows, even the past is altered, depending on, not the facts, but the interpretation.

  • You said, 'I love you.' Why is it that the most unoriginal thing we can say to one another is still the thing we long to hear? 'I love you' is always a quotation. You did not say it first and neither did I, yet when you say it and when I say it we speak like savages who have found three words and worship them. I did worship them but now I am alone on a rock hewn out of my own body.

  • If you think about something for long enough,' she explained, `more than likely, that thing will happen.' She tapped her head. `It's all in the mind.

    Jeanette Winterson (2007). “Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit”, p.30, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
  • I don't want to conquer you; I just want to climb you.

    Jeanette Winterson (2013). “The Powerbook”, p.174, Random House
  • You are a pool of clear water where the light plays

    Jeanette Winterson (2013). “Written On The Body”, p.85, Random House
  • Today, the sun is everywhere, and everything solid is nothing but its own shadow, I know that the real things in life, the things I remember, the things I turn over in my hands, are not houses, bank accounts, prizes or promotions. What I remember is love -- all love -- love of this dirt road, this sunrise, a day by the river, the stranger I met in a café. Myself, even, which is the hardest thing of all to love, because love and selfishness are not the same thing. It is easy to be selfish. It is hard to love who I am. No wonder I am surprised if you do.

    Jeanette Winterson (2004). “Lighthousekeeping”, Fourth Estate (GB)
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 563 quotes from the Writer Jeanette Winterson, starting from August 27, 1959! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!