Napoleon Hill Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Napoleon Hill's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Napoleon Hill's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 711 quotes on this page collected since October 26, 1883! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Celebrate your success and stand strong when adversity hits, for when the storm clouds come in, the eagles soar while the small birds take cover.

  • Success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind and enjoyment and happiness which come only to the man who has found the work that he likes best.

    Napoleon Hill (2013). “The Law of Success”, p.475, Courier Corporation
  • Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.

    Napoleon Hill (2007). “The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity”, p.87, Penguin
  • What the mind cab conceive, it can achieve

  • Faith is the "eternal elixir" which gives life, power and action to the impulse of thought! Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches! Faith is the basis of all "miracles" and all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science! Faith is the only known antidote for failure!

    Napoleon Hill (2016). “Think and Grow Rich!”, p.44, Jaico Publishing House
  • Your greatness is here and now. Your happiness is here and now.

  • Thought is the most highly organized form of energy known to man.

    Napoleon Hill (2013). “The Law of Success”, p.291, Courier Corporation
  • Man's brain may be compared to an electric battery...a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery.

  • Trying to get without first giving is as fruitless as trying to reap without having sown.

    Napoleon Hill (1997). “Napoleon Hill's Positive Action Plan: 365 Meditations For Making Each Day a Success”, p.34, Penguin
  • Cherish the music that stirs in your heart.

    Napoleon Hill (2007). “The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity”, p.271, Penguin
  • Every man's own character is written so all who will may read it, in the expression of his eyes, the tone of his voice, the posture of his body, the style of his clothes, and the nature of his deeds!

  • Truly, there is something to the idea that hero-worship is helpful, provided one worships a winner.

    Napoleon Hill (2007). “The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity”, p.81, Penguin
  • Your reputation is that which people think you are; your character is that which you are.

    Napoleon Hill, E. Harold Keown (1989). “Succeed and grow rich through persuasion”, Signet
  • Charles Chaplin makes a million dollars a year out of a funny, shuffling walk and a pair of baggy trousers, because he does "something different." Take the hint and "individualize" yourself with some distinctive idea.

    Napoleon Hill (2008). “The Law of Success: The Master Wealth-Builder's Complete and Original Lesson Plan forAchieving Your Dreams”, p.260, Penguin
  • The successful man or woman always looks for the advantage or benefit in every situation and lo and behold, they always find it.

  • A man is as big as the measure of his thinking.

  • Poverty is no disgrace. But it is certainly not a recommendation.

  • Many successful people have found opportunities in failure and adversity that they could not recognize in more favorable circumstances.

    Napoleon Hill, Judith Williamson (2008). “Timeless Thoughts for Today”, p.31, Jaico Publishing House
  • Every human brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of thought.

    Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.178, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA
  • To win the big stakes in this changed world, you must catch the spirit of the great pioneers of the past, whose dreams have given to civilization all that it has of value, the spirit that serves as the life-blood of our own country – your opportunity and mine, to develop and market our talents.

    Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.31, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA
  • If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else.

    Napoleon Hill (2012). “Napoleon Hill Collection”, p.178, Penguin
  • Fortunate is the person who has developed the self-control to steer a straight course towards his objectives in life, without being swayed from his purpose by either commendation or condemnation.

    Dr. Robert C. Worstell, Dorothea Brande, Eark Nightingale, Claude M. Bristol, Napoleon Hill (2017). “Mindset StackingTM Inspirational Journal VolumeSS02”, p.112,
  • If a man attains a high station in life, it is because he has acquired or was blessed with native ability as a salesman. Schooling, college degrees, intellect, brilliancy, are of no avail to the man who lacks the ability to attract the cooperative efforts of others, thus to create opportunities for himself.

    Napoleon Hill (2009). “How To Sell Your Way Through Life”, p.7, John Wiley and Sons
  • That man is rich indeed who has more friends than enemies, fears no one, and is so busy building that he has no time to devote to tearing down another's hopes and plans.

    Napoleon Hill, E. Harold Keown (1989). “Succeed and grow rich through persuasion”, Signet
  • Every man is what he is, because of the DOMINATING THOUGHTS which he permits to occupy his mind.

    Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.46, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA
  • A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.

    Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.92, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA
  • The man of decision cannot be stopped! The man of indecision cannot be started! Take your own choice.

    Napoleon Hill (2013). “The Law of Success”, p.566, Courier Corporation
  • Failure seems to be nature's plan for preparing us for great responsibilities.

    "Napoleon Hill's Positive Action Plan: 365 Meditations For Making Each Day a Success".
  • The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.

  • One thing we all know, if one does not possess PERSISTENCE, one does not achieve noteworthy success in any calling.

    Napoleon Hill, Wallace D. Wattles (2012). “Get Rich Collection”, p.115, Penguin
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 711 quotes from the Author Napoleon Hill, starting from October 26, 1883! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!