Quilting Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Quilting". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Quilting. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Quilting!
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  • Beginning writers are often advised to 'write what you know,' and since I knew about quilters - their quirks, their inside jokes, their disputes and their generosity, their quarrels and their kindnesses - the lives of quilters became a natural subject for me. Quilting wove together my two themes as completely and effortlessly as I could have hoped.

    Kindness   Writing   Two  
  • Two quilters who have just met will be strangers only until their mutual passion for quilting is revealed. Then they can talk for hours like the best of friends.

    Passion   Two   Stranger  
    Jennifer Chiaverini, Nancy Odom (2002). “Elm Creek Quilts: Quilt Projects Inspired by the Elm Creek Quilts Novels”, p.9, C&T Publishing Inc
  • Methinks it is a token of healthy and gentle characteristics, when women of high thoughts and accomplishments love to sew; especially as they are never more at home with their own hearts than while so occupied.

    Nathaniel Hawthorne (2015). “Complete Novels of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Illustrated Edition): Fanshawe, The Scarlet Letter with its Adaptation, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, The Marble Faun, The Dolliver Romance, Septimius Felton, Grimshawe's Secret and Biography”, p.730, e-artnow
  • Take your needle, my child, and work at your pattern; it will come out a rose by and by. Life is like that - one stitch at a time taken patiently and the pattern will come out all right like the embroidery.

    Time   Quilts   Children  
    Oliver Wendell Holmes (2007). “Guardian Angel”, p.179, Reprint Services Corporation
  • I like Betsy Ross as a model, too, the quilting bee, sitting around with your friends making art, asking what they think, so that you get the benefit of everyone's opinions and so it's not just about you in your you-dom.

    Art   Thinking   Bees  
  • People who assume my books are only about quilts obviously haven't read them! I've always known that my books are about quilters - in other words, people - rather than quilts or quilting.

    Quilts   Book   People  
    Jennifer Chiaverini (2011). “The Quilter's Legacy: An Elm Creek Quilts Novel”, p.321, Simon and Schuster
  • Constant use had not worn ragged the fabric of their friendship.

    Friendship   Use   Fabric  
    Dorothy Parker (2002). “Complete Stories”, p.259, Penguin
  • A family stitched together with love seldom unravels.

  • Anyone who works on a quilt, who devotes her time, energy, creativity, and passion to that art, learns to value the work of her hands. And as any quilter will tell you, a quilter's quilting friends are some of the dearest, most generous, and most supportive people she knows.

    Art   Quilts   Passion  
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