Alexis Ohanian Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Alexis Ohanian's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Internet Entrepreneur Alexis Ohanian's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 65 quotes on this page collected since April 24, 1983! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Having ideas and doing them - that's what entrepreneurship comes down to. That's something that makes you not just a great founder who I want to invest in, but also a great employee or someone I want to work with.

  • The goal shouldn't be to be the next Silicon Valley (there'll always only be one of those) - it's to be your own startup community.

  • The best part of being an angel investor is seeing these kids coming up with companies that get way more traffic than Reddit had when we sold it. I think, 'Are you kidding me? They're just kids, and they've done so much.

  • Even if you have no interest in starting a company, having the experience of having ideas and doing them, that's muscle to exercise because that's what people are going to want to see. That's what makes you different.

  • I hate phone calls so I believe in a telephone armistice. To me, the idea of calling someone unprompted is basically saying, 'Hey, stop whatever you're doing and talk to me right now.

  • Raise $500 for a thing you care about because you actually get the experience of taking an idea and actually doing it. There are fewer and fewer excuses not to.

  • Can we imagine the United States without electricity? No, that would be pretty hard. Likewise, we can't really imagine being without an open Internet. The cost would be so grave, so serious.

  • The first step, and the thing that everyone has to do right on the Internet is make something people want.

  • At the end of the day, how many ads did it take to convince you to use Facebook or Twitter? It wasn't marketing or advertising that convinced you to use these services. It was their value.

  • I think we are a better and a more efficient society when people actually get to do the things that they really are passionate about, and really are amazing at, because it's going to mean better stuff for us, too.

  • If I didn't believe in rooting for founders and investing in founders, I'd be a bit of a hypocrite.

  • Nothing will replace good journalism.

  • Let's do 150 stops. Let's go to 75 universities, and let's spread this gospel of Internet entrepreneurship everywhere we go.

  • The surveillance state has run amok. Technology that's enabled us to send selfies 24/7 - not that valuable - has also enabled us to be spied upon us 24/7.

  • The problem is these politicians have very, very big interests in being re-elected, and the money that gets them there is provided by people who don't necessarily have the interest of the public in mind.

  • If I were a snarky Reddit user though, I would say, hypothetically, that that would just be like reading Reddit's Front Page a day later. But I'm not going to go there.

    Big Think interview,
  • No, everyone has great ideas, but what makes a difference, especially online, or just in life, is actually doing it; getting that first version out there.

  • Entrepreneur is just French for 'has ideas, does them'.

  • We don't even realize something is broken until someone else shows us a better way

    Alexis Ohanian (2013). “Without Their Permission: How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed”, p.117, Hachette UK
  • If you imagine Maslow's hierarchy of needs, if you can get all those requirements checked off and have all those amazing things that we need to just live lives, but actually get to do the thing that you're really passionate about.

  • Being effective at social media, whether for business or personal use, means capturing people who have short attention spans. They're only a click away from a picture of a funny cat, so you have to make your thing more compelling than that cat. And that can be a high bar.

    Mean   Cat   Media  
  • The great thing about the Internet is, it's the freest marketplace of ideas that there is.

  • I try to help founders as much as I can, but so many of us we won't even take meetings with people who still just have an idea, because everyone has an idea.

  • If you want to succeed, you've got to be okay to just lose control.

  • Every founder has to delude themselves into thinking, "Yes, it's going to be big. It's going to take over the world."

  • What one realizes there is that we are not in control of the [reddit] community, in any way, shape or form. We have no power over it and so we've lost this total control.

  • The reality is, there's still so much we haven't yet figured out. There's still so much stuff that has not been made more, frankly, efficient.

  • There is a much bigger issue with student loan rates, the cost of tuition; those are some huge problems that need to be resolved.

  • I like sarcasm. I like snark.

  • Facebook makes me hate the people I know, and Reddit makes me love the people I don't.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 65 quotes from the Internet Entrepreneur Alexis Ohanian, starting from April 24, 1983! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!