Tina Fey Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Tina Fey's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Tina Fey's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 328 quotes on this page collected since May 18, 1970! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • One of the great things about doing animated movies is that you don't have to dress up or put on make-up.

    The Mirror.Co.Uk Interview, www.mirror.co.uk. December 3, 2010.
  • I'm a big fan of 'The Office,' both the British and the American versions.

    "7 Questions with Tina Fey". Interview with Fred Topel, www.zimbio.com. May 7, 2008.
  • It doesn't matter if it's a school play or a dumb TV show. It's your work. You should care about it so much that people get annoyed with you.

  • Thomas Jefferson—another gorgeous white boy who would not have been interested in me. This was my problem in a nutshell. To get some play in Charlottesville, you had to be either a Martha Jefferson or a Sally Hemings.

  • Last night the Taliban offered to release eight Westerners if the U.S. promised not to attack. The State Department declined but thanked the Taliban for the offer, saying it really felt good to laugh again.

  • Some people work with a trainer, some people work with a stylist. I work with a celebrity fecalist. A fecalist is basically a person who comes and collects my stools, and then examines them to see if I'm eating right and if I should be drinking more water and what my moods should be.

    "Tina Fey on Top". Interview with Amy Poehler, www.marieclaire.com. April 10, 2008.
  • Will Ferrell is a dangerous man. If he thinks you're in his way in show business, he will crack your head open. He's the Jeff Gillooly of comedy.

    "Live From Studio 1A: Tina Fey Q & A". allDAY Interview, www.today.com. April 5, 2007.
  • This is what I tell young women who ask me for career advice. People are going to try to trick you. To make you feel that you are in competition with one another. You're up for a promotion. If they go for a woman, it'll be between you and Barbara. Don't be fooled. You're not in competition with other women. You're in competition with everyone.

  • It’s the same reason I don’t get Hooters. Why do we need to enjoy chicken wings and boobies at the same time? Yes, they are a natural and beautiful part of the human experience. And so are boobies. But why at the same time?

  • It has been said that to write is to live forever. The man who said that is dead.

  • I think my level of fame will drop back down. I think it’ll recede. In fact, I know it will. That’s life on planet earth. And I’m okay with that. Besides getting tables at restaurants and special treatment at the airport, what else is there?

    "Tina Fey InBBAACCSS1‘Esquire’: The Thinking Man Wants To F*** Megan Fox". www.huffingtonpost.com. May 17, 2010.
  • If a bout of "creepy face" sets in, the trick is to look away from the camera between shots and turn back only when necessary. This also limits how much of your soul the camera can steal.

    Tina Fey (2011). “Bossypants”, p.90, Hachette UK
  • Ah, babies! They’re more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts.

    Tina Fey (2011). “Bossypants”, p.130, Hachette UK
  • I had to get back to work... NBC has me under contract; the baby and I only have a verbal agreement.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
  • MAKE STATEMENTS also applies to us women: Speak in statements instead of apologetic questions. No one wants to go to a doctor who says, “I’m going to be your surgeon? I’m here to talk to you about your procedure? I was first in my class at Johns Hopkins, so?” Make statements, with your actions and your voice.

  • When choosing sexual partners, remember: Talent is not sexually transmittable.

  • A willingness to drop your ego and let yourself look foolish. You almost have to enjoy looking vulnerable. You'd be surprised how many people don't want to do that.

    "Oprah Talks to Tina Fey". Interview with Oprah Winfrey, www.oprah.com. February 2009.
  • ...I can't possibly take time off for a second baby, unless I do, in which case that is nobody's business and I'll never regret it for a moment unless it ruins my life.

    "Confessions of a Juggler" by Tina Fey, www.newyorker.com. February 14 & 21, 2011.
  • Sometimes I'll be telling my husband, 'I think I'm cracking up'. Sometimes you just need a minute to say, 'I think I'm cracking' and just acknowledge it.

  • ...nothing is creepier than a bunch of adults being very quiet.

    Tina Fey (2011). “Bossypants”, p.79, Hachette UK
  • I don't know how many more movies I'm going to get the opportunity to make and I don't want to look back and go: "Man, I just floated through that one." Or: "I did that one for the money." I want to be able to say that I worked as a hard as I could and I did the best work that I could do.

    Source: www.indielondon.co.uk
  • It was reported that Guy Ritchie has cast his wife Madonna in a small walk-on role in his new movie, Revolver. Madonna will play the part of the woman who ruins the film.

    "Saturday Night Live (TV Series) Robert De Niro/Destiny's Child". www.imdb.com. 2004.
  • I have two daughters, and we live here in Manhattan, and having gone through the Manhattan kindergarten application process, nothing will ever rival the stress of that.

    "Tina Fey, Movie Star? Not Quite Yet, She Says". "Morning Edition", www.npr.org. March 22, 2013.
  • Every kid has something they're good at, that you hope they find and gravitate toward.

    "Tina Fey: Funny Girl". Interview with Jancee Dunn, archive.is.
  • Don't waste your energy trying to educate or change opinions... Do your thing and don't care if they like it.

    "Bossypants". Book by Tina Fey, April 5, 2011.
  • Your initiations are worthwhile.

    Tina Fey (2011). “Bossypants”, p.53, Hachette UK
  • It was reported that the New York Knicks have won all 12 of the home games attended by magician David Blaine. A spokesman for the Knicks said, 'if this is what it takes to win, it's not worth it.'

  • Don't be too precious or attached to anything you write. Let things be malleable.

    "The Real Tina Fey". Interview with A.J. Jacobs, www.esquire.com. April 13, 2010.
  • Every morning, when Alaskans wake up, one of the first things they do, is look outside to see if there are any Russians hanging around. And if there are, you gotta go up to them and ask, 'What are you doing here?' and if they can't give you a good reason, it's our responsibility to say, you know, 'Shoo! Get back over there!'

    "Tina Fey As Sarah Palin: Katie Couric SNL Skit". www.huffingtonpost.com. February 19, 2010.
  • There are so many quiet times you spend as a mother that aren't glorified but are a foundation for your kids. No matter what, there was always a thick safety net under this trapeze.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 328 quotes from the Actress Tina Fey, starting from May 18, 1970! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!