Economics Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Economics". There are currently 2111 quotes in our collection about Economics. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Economics!
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  • I think that the economics of book publishing favor hits with long book runs. You make all your money on the last bunch of books, not the first.

    Running   Book   Thinking  
  • Economics is not brain surgery.

    "Even if being president were brain surgery, you wouldn't want Ben Carson doing it" by Marina Hyde, November 6, 2015.
  • A people... who are possessed of the spirit of commerce, who see and who will pursue their advantages may achieve almost anything.

    People   Banking   May  
    George Washington, John Clement Fitzpatrick, David Maydole Matteson (1784). “The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799”, p.473
  • Trickle-down economics is a myth. Enriching corporations - as the TPP would - will not necessarily help those in the middle, let alone those at the bottom.

  • Considering that we live in an era of evolutionary everything---evolutionary biology, evolutionary medicine, evolutionary ecology, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary economics, evolutionary computing---it was surprising how rarely people thought in evolutionary terms. It was a human blind spot. We look at the world around us as a snapshot when it was really a movie, constantly changing.

    Michael Crichton (2002). “Prey”
  • Economics is a subject that does not greatly respect one's wishes.

    Wish   Doe   Economics  
  • The biggest enemy of management is indifference. It's when people don't give a damn

  • I saw that publishing all over the world was deeply constrained by self-censorship, economics and political censorship, while the military-industrial complex was growing at a tremendous rate, and the amount of information that it was collecting about all of us vastly exceeded the public imagination.

  • Human well-being is not a random phenomenon. It depends on many factors - ranging from genetics and neurobiology to sociology and economics. But, clearly, there are scientific truths to be known about how we can flourish in this world. Wherever we can have an impact on the well-being of others, questions of morality apply.

    Impact   World   Morality  
    "The Moral Landscape : Thinking About Human Values in Universal Terms" by Sam Harris, August 25, 2010.
  • When I came up to Cambridge (in October 1921) to read economics, I did not have much idea of what it was about.

    Joan Robinson (2014). “Contributions to Modern Economics”, p.9, Academic Press
  • As long as we issue fiat currency, I see no alternative to a legal tender law.

    Money   Law   Issues  
  • Most of economics can be summarized in four words: 'People respond to incentives.' The rest is commentary.

    Steven E. Landsburg (2012). “The Armchair Economist: Economics & Everyday Life”, p.19, Simon and Schuster
  • Economic progress, in capitalist society, means turmoil.

    Joseph A. Schumpeter (2003). “Ten Great Economists”, p.77, Routledge
  • Americans need to understand that they have lost their country. The rest of the world needs to recognize that Washington is not merely the most complete police state since Stalinism, but also a threat to the entire world. The hubris and arrogance of Washington, combined with Washington's huge supply of weapons of mass destruction, make Washington the greatest threat that has ever existed to all life on the planet. Washington is the enemy of all humanity.

  • There are people who think that plunder loses all its immorality as soon as it becomes legal. Personally, I cannot imagine a more alarming situation.

  • Whatever their limitations, Freud and Marx developed complex and subtle theories of human nature grounded in their observation of individual and social behavior. The crackpot rationalism of free-market economics merely relies on an abstract model of how people "must" behave.

    Letter to "The New York Times", February 27, 1997.
  • The very nature of economics is rooted in nationalism. ... It [was] developed ... in the hope of throwing light upon questions of policy. But policy means nothing unless there is an authority to carry it out, and authorities are national.

    Mean   Light   Economics  
    Joan Robinson (1962). “Economic philosophy”, p.124, Transaction Publishers
  • The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the government.

    Peace   Freedom   War  
    "Annals". Book by Tacitus, Book III, 27,
  • The economics of the security world are all horribly, horribly nasty and are largely based on fear, intimidation and blackmail.

    "The Legacy Of Linus Torvalds: Linux, Git, And One Giant Flamethrower" by Robert Mcmillan, November 19, 2012.
  • Competition is the most promising means to achieve and secure prosperity. It alone enables people in their role of consumer to gain from economic progress. It ensures that all advantages which result from higher productivity may eventually be enjoyed.

  • There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers.

    "Richard P. Feynman, Teacher". David L. Goodstein, "Physics Today", Volume 42, No. 2, February 1989.
  • Economics was like psychology, a pseudoscience trying to hide that fact with intense theoretical hyperelaboration. And gross domestic product was one of those unfortunate measurement concepts, like inches or the British thermal unit, that ought to have been retired long before.

    Kim Stanley Robinson (2003). “Blue Mars”, p.105, Spectra
  • People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.

    An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations vol. 1, bk. 1, ch. 10 (1776)
  • Colleges don't teach economics properly. Unfortunately we learn little from the experience of the past. An economist must know, besides his subject, ethics, logic, philosophy, the humanities and sociology, in fact everything that is part of how we live and react to one another.

  • Measure what is important, don't make important what you can measure

  • Socialized medicine, some still cry, but it's long been socialized, with those covered paying for those who are underinsured. American medicine is simply socialized badly, penny wise and pound foolish.

    Wise   Medicine   Long  
  • Capitalism is not the system of the past; it is the system of the future -- if mankind is to have a future

    Future   Past   Humanity  
    Ayn Rand (1964). “The Virtue of Selfishness”, p.30, Penguin
  • Our aim must be to make our successive mistakes as quickly as possible. To speed up evolution.

  • There is a pressing need to integrate the study of international economics with the study of international politics to deepen our comprehension of the forces at work in the world.

    Needs   World   Study  
    Robert Gilpin (2016). “The Political Economy of International Relations”, p.3, Princeton University Press
  • Experimentation has been the key factor in the success of Western capitalism

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