Exaggeration Is Quotes
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There's no disappointment in memory, and one's exaggerations are always on the good side.
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Exaggeration is in the course of things. Nature sends no creature, no man into the world, without adding a small excess of his proper quality. Given the planet, it is still necessary to add the impulse; so, to every creature nature added a little violence of direction in its proper path, a shove to put it on its way; in every instance, a slight generosity, a drop too much.
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Thought is a process of exaggeration. The refusal to exaggerate is not infrequently an alibi for the disinclination to think or praise.
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There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they actually can't tell the truth without lying.
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All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable.
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The rest, with very little exaggeration, was books. Meant-to-be-picked-up books. Permanently-left-behind books. Uncertain-what-to-do-with books. But books, books. Tall cases lined three walls of the room, filled to and beyond capacity. The overflow had been piled in stacks on the floor. There was little space left for walking, and none whatever for pacing.
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It is an exaggeration to call the Hamas and Islamic Jihad announcement a military alliance. It is rather a message that our people are united in the face of Israeli aggression.
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Exaggeration is a blood relation to falsehood and nearly as blamable.
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An element of exaggeration clings to the popular judgment: great vices are made greater, great virtues greater also; interesting incidents are made more interesting, softer legends more soft.
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To a small man every greater is an exaggeration.
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I don't want to tell you how much insurance I carry with the Prudential, but all I can say is: when I go, they go too.
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There is no one who does not exaggerate!
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We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike. We are never as bad off or as happy as we say we are.
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It is only a short step from exaggerating what we can find in the world to exaggerating our power to remake the world.
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Exaggeration is my only reality.
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By speaking, by thinking, we undertake to clarify things, and that forces us to exacerbate them, dislocate them, schematize them. Every concept is in itself an exaggeration.
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Exaggeration is a prodigality of the judgment which shows the narrowness of one's knowledge or one's taste.
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Love is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everybody else.
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It is only a short step from exaggerating what we can find in the world to exaggerating our power to remake the world. Expecting more novelty than there is, more greatness than there is, and more strangeness than there is, we imagine ourselves masters of a plastic universe. But a world we can shape to our will is a shapeless world.
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Danger lies in the writer becoming the victim of his own exaggeration, losing the exact notion of sincerity, and in the end coming to despise truth itself as something too cold, too blunt for his purpose -- as, in fact, not good enough for his insistent emotion. From laughter and tears the descent is easy to sniveling and giggles.
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Exaggeration is truth that has lost its temper.
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Like I said, all comedy is based on exaggeration, big or small, whatever you can get away with.
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It is the essence of truth that it is never excessive. Why should it exaggerate? There is that which should be destroyed and that which should be simply illuminated and studied. How great is the force of benevolent and searching examination! We must not resort to the flame where only light is required.
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I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments.
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Exaggeration is a branch of lying.
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All passions exaggerate; and they are passions only because they do exaggerate.
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Every vice is only an exaggeration of a necessary and virtuous function.
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There is an abundance of misinformation, exaggeration, and blatant lies being spread by interest groups regarding the prospects for embryonic stem cell research.
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False eloquence is exaggeration; true eloquence is emphasis.
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But beauty, real beauty, ends where an intellectual expression begins. Intellect is in itself a mode of exaggeration, and destroys the harmony of any face.
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